Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

CPI Report

I love this. The consensus expectations was for the core CPI to come in at 0.2% this month. It came in at 0.253%, was rounded up to 0.3%, and the market is selling off on this. Just remember, betting on monthly economic releases is a suckers game created by the bond and stock brokerage houses […]

Opportunity knocks for regional newspapers

rdan Steven Pearlstein in the WaPO suggests an alternative way at looking at the value of regional newspapers, as more of an opportunity and as less of a death we can ill afford for externalities sake. Updated link in WaPo, thanks MG. Update 2: I recommend moseying over to Naked Capitalism for this piece on […]

Chrysler Dealership Closings

Chrysler eliminating about a quarter of its dealerships is getting a lot of press, but the press seems to be completely ignoring why Chrysler is doing this. All day CNBC has been talking to Chrysler dealers and not once have I heard them say a word about why Chrysler is doing this. The reason is […]

What Obama Means when he says "the troops"

Meet the New Boss; Same as the Old Boss. Andrew Sullivan points out the obvious link from yesterday’s appointment to today’s “reversal“: It was a point of pride that the Red Cross would never be allowed in the door, Jeff says. This is important because it defied the Geneva Conventions, which require that the Red […]

Infinite Hooey: PV and Past Participants in Social Security

by Bruce Webb 2007 Report Table IV.B72008 Report Table IV.B7 2009 Report Table IV.B7There are some prominent commentators on Social Security who insist that its future Unfunded Liabilities are in large part the result of over-generosity to past participants, and particularly those who drew benefits from the program in the early years without fully contributing. […]

Assets of the OAS Trust Fund? or just Phony IOUs?

As always, click on image to enlarge.People who claim that ‘there is no Trust Fund’ never explain how this works in practice. In reality the two Social Security Trust Funds have portfolios of securities with stated maturities and rates. As these become due each year they are rolled over into new securities in whole or […]


a post by coberly ONE OF THE LESS NOTICED PASSAGES IN THE TRUSTEES REPORT… … reveals something rather interesting: On page 12, it says, “Social Security’s scheduled tax revenue is projected to decline from its current level of about 5.0 percent of GDP, reaching 4.4% by 2083.” That’s odd… Decline? That should make you wonder: […]

MISDIRECTION: How They Keep You From Seeing The Good News

a post by coberly MISDIRECTION: How They Keep You From Seeing The Good News When you go to a Magic Show, the Magician directs your attention away from what he doesn’t want you to see. And you go oooh! and aaah! And feel good about being fooled. And happy to have paid your money. When […]

Someone whose list of Bad Banks Matches Mine–and Goes Further

Ken Houghton finds someone who is more pessimistic than I am. Via News, I see that Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D., has come up with a list of Large Banks Likely to Fail: Seven institutions — JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citigroup, Wells Fargo & Co., Goldman Sachs Group, GMAC LLC, SunTrust Banks, Inc., and Fifth […]