Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Public Investment Strategy

rdan Stefanie Kelton of New Economic Perspectives points us to Jamie Galbraith and one of his conference papers on public/private investment and globalization. (Re-posted with permission from the author.) Economic Growth and Public Investment You may check James K. Galbraith’s interesting conference paper”. (warning pdf) An important point is that “contrary to popular myth, U.S. […]

Medicare re-admissions…one scenario

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt The federal government is concerned about the incidence of Medicare re-admissions. Typical scenario: an elderly patient is admitted to the hospital for pneumonia and related distress. After a four day stay the patient is discharged to a long-term care facility. A week later the patient is readmitted with acute distress, […]

Taxes for States in Trouble?

by Linda Beale [Excerpted from an earlier posting on ataxingmatter] On ataxingmatter, I considered Michigan’s tough problems and proposed a solution that could offer a way to deal fairly with the many issues the State faces. Michigan, as everybody knows, is a depressed state these days. High unemployment, high foreclosure rates, and even the Red […]

Health Care billing examples. The "public option" can’t work.

by Divorced one like Bush For your consideration here are some real numbers from a Medicare Advantage policy via United Health Care Cat Scan billed $1042.00Not Covered $ 831.68That means the contracted charge for this service with UHC is $210.32.Copay $ 42.06UHC payment $ 168.26 The “copay” is 20%. Same plan has a “Deductible/Copay” individual […]

Real Earnings

By Spencer; The CPI rose 0.1% in May as the core CPI rose 0.1% and energy rose 0.2%. The real significance of the rise in energy prices shows up in this table that shows the composition of real average hourly earnings — the final column in the table. In the fourth quarter real earnings rose […]

Comparative effectiveness standards

by reader ilsm From the Sunday June 14 Economist View discussion over Tyler Cowen’s article on Medicare crushing the federal budget, as the DOD budget has for many years. Tyler states the devastating growth of cost is due to “the financial incentives for doctors and medical institutions to recommend more procedures, whether or not they […]

Here’s your Medicare Part D

by Divorced one like Bush Time for some real numbers. This example is also an example for people to understand the need for fixing our system of paying for health care. Because, even in the senior years, the cost can bankrupt you. My parents, 2008 adjusted gross income $43,291. $19,745 is capital gains from a […]

Trace the Bombing Route from Israel to Iran

Time for our military readers to step up. Various basement bloggers belonging to the 101st Fighting Keyboardists continually tell us the next step is Israel bombing Iran. But can someone explain exactly how this would work in detail? I mean in actual detail including 1) Israeli strike capabilities, 2) Iranian air defense capabilities, 3a) how […]