Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Was it a Gang of Seven?

by Bruce Webb Max Baucus of Montana (pop 935,670- 89.2% white)Kent Conrad of North Dakota (pop 636,677- 90.1% white)Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico (pop 1,928,384- 42.8% white)Michael B. Enzi of Wyoming (pop 509,294- 88.8% white)Charles E. Grassley of Iowa (pop 2,966,334- 91.5% white)Olympia Snowe of Maine (pop 1,321,505 – 96% white). Most people following the […]

HR3200 Sec 116: Golden Bullet? or Smoking Gun?

by Bruce Webb On Sunday the CBO released a letter addressed to Rep. Dave Camp, the Ranking Member on Ways and Means, which among other things measured the impact of HR3200 (the House Tri-Committee Health Care Affordability bill) and a public option on employer covered insurance. On net it turns out that they project more […]

Coping…will this influence local races?

rdanBirth and Hawaii at TPM. The House resolution to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Hawaiian statehood — which included language recognizing the state as President Obama’s birthplace, in a none-too-subtle jab at the Birthers — passed this evening by a 378-0 vote. Among the Yes votes: Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL), the lead sponsor of the […]

Rural Bias in the Senate

Robret Waldmann Gang of 6 senators who correspond to 6.5 representatives. The US senate has an extreme rural bias. It has outdone itself by allowing Max Baucus to empower a bipartisan group of 6 senators to redesign health care reform. The states represented by the 6 senators (Iowa, Maine, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota and […]

Worst Tax Ever

Robert Waldmann The AP writes on the current state of negotiations in the 6 member Baucus Bipartisan ad hoc committee. Their plan includes an idea that is worse than I imagined possible. I mean that literally. Officials also said a bipartisan compromise would not subject companies to a penalty if they declined to offer coverage […]

Maybe There IS a Reason Ross Douthat Exists

I have generally decided that the NYT’s attempt at becoming the WSJ on its editorial page is not worth the trouble of discussing. An editorial staph that replaces the despicable but somewhat coherent Bill Kristol with the execrable incoherence of Ross Douthat is clearly suffering a fatal infection, and therefore not deserving of support. But […]

What a Pack of Blue Faced Liars

Robert Waldmann A courageously anonymous blue dog explains to Shailagh Murray and Paul Kanewhy they are blocking health care reform several dozen anxious House Democrats who are wary of the more liberal course their leaders have taken on health care. Feeling burned by a tough vote on climate-change legislation that is languishing in the Senate, […]

TARP, Neil Barofsky, Rep. Alan Grayson and Transparency

by divorced one like Bush Via Glenn Greenwald and his article The war being waged on the TARP watchdog’s independence comes an interview with Neil Barofsky the man charged with over seeing TARP. It appears the White House is not keeping true to the President’s campaign of a more transparent government. …the Obama administration is […]

Golgotha program update

Robert Waldmann Looks like there are still people interested in Marx. I guessed Brad would be interested (OK so I link begged but just a little) but I wouldn’t have guessed that James Wimberley would be. Mainly this post is about an e-mail from Ben Ross which I print (with permission) after the jump Ben […]

Small business is? And who speaks for them?

rdan The term small business is bandied about a lot, and often includes employers with 10 employees as in here and similar with Republicans. Yet it appears these little companies are not represented by SBA, nor Manufacturers of America, yet account for a large portion of our economy. Is that accurate?? A small business is […]