Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Wild women of the sphere

I will let people know how many google hits we get for this post. On the other hand, digby at Hullabaloo recommends we vote.

Reality going to the Dogs

This one is for those concerned about how we spend our tax dollars. It is a robotics project funded by the pentagon performed by Boston Dynamics called the BigDog. I’m not going to comment because I can think of many positives as in the moon shot program and transitors and I can think of many […]

Angry Bear on the rise

Angry Bear has been steadily increasing its readership, but in the last three months especially has seen a significant rise in visits. For the first time ever we had over 100,000 visits in March, which is a milestone given that around 60,000 was common. (Real figures can be evaluated on the sitemeter. January saw 90,000, […]