Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Hillary and Fox News

On Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton will appear in a pretaped interview on Fox News‘ “The O’Reilly Factor.”

I feel better already!

Steve Benen at The Carpetbagger Report comments on the President’s reassurances at a White House press conference today, keeping his tax cuts as a way out of the slowdown. In all seriousness, how many people who are worried about theirfamilies’ finances right now are going to say, “I’ve been reallyworried, but now that I know […]

A Word About Counterfeit Affiliations

By Noni Mausa In the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, King Arthur and his companions come to a cave which is guarded by a terrible monster. The king and his men scoff when they see that the monster has every resemblance to an ordinary white rabbit. But as they approach the cave, the […]

In Iraq, they call the behavioral health center ‘the pink house.’

“Leaders. In Iraq, they call the behavioral health center ‘the pink house.’ Commanders tell soldiers to get on down to the pink house.” Quoted from a report by Penny Coleman, wife of a veteran who committed suicide two years ago, about the Department of Defense’s sixth annual Suicide Prevention Conference. Finally in January 2008 the […]

Rebate economic bounce due soon?

Hat tip to reader TinMan. Steve Liesman, senior economic advisor to CNBC TV, predicts optimism for the rebate effect, just like in 2001. TinMan says: So, that stimulus check is going to give us not only a good “jolt” to the economy but trigger a bounce as well? Hmmmmmm….

Climate and discussions

K harris suggests we try these rules out in our discussions about global warming: (lifted from comments cactus style) Just a few rules of thumb for discussion like this one – discussion in which we mere mortals are left dealing with data that has been collected from places we can’t go, interpreted through methods we […]

James Galbraith on being progressive

James Galbraith discusses trade and wages in The American Prospect. It is best to read the whole article before commenting to make sure I am not leaving something out. I have to run this morning. Indeed, rather than being spooked by the supposed effect of trade on wages, let’s consider how that relationship works when […]

Can we bargain in new rules of a market?

Reader sammy notes: I was just thinking maybe the solution to some health care costs is less insurance, not more. I have health insurance via an HMO, but I often choose to go outside of the HMO. When I pay cash at time of service I am offered a 30% (!) discount. What gives? An […]

Family & Household Real Income Trends

Last Friday Arnold Kling at Econlog and Russell Roberts at Cafehayek commented on Larry Bartels book Unequal Democracy and I made some commentsabout what they were saying. Bartels used family income data in his book and both Arnold and Russell ignored this point and went into long discussion about why household income data is so […]