Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Good news report

Al Quaeda is defeated I assume means tribes have come together to eliminate rogue groups and probably want to eliminate rogue criminal groups as well. Islam is changing also indicates Islam in parts of the world is finally figuring out how to deal with radicalism.

Innovation only happens when maximizing? Or failure of imagination?

NYT reports on another innovator for the less affluent. Add in the $100 laptop, less expensive ways to chain wifi, and voila…freer markets without the huge drain of billion dollar Ceo networks who weigh us down with bloated bureacracies and constricted thinking about profit structures. Maybe ‘maximize’ and ‘innovation’ are not synonomous after all, as […]

Transparent market expenses

New England Journal of Medicine reports the following about transparency in the market: On September 6, 2007, Senators Charles Grassley (R-IA), the ranking member of the Committee on Finance, and Herb Kohl (D-WI), chairman of the Special Committee on Aging, introduced the Physician Payments Sunshine Act — so named because it aims to “shine a […]

December 5 hearing at US Supreme Court

Guantanomo is the subject of a new hearing for the status of the inmates. An American military lawyer and veteran of dozens of secret Guantanamo tribunals has made a devastating attack on the legal process for determining whether Guantanamo prisoners are “enemy combatants”.The whistle blower, an army major inside the military court system which the […]