Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Bush vs. Bush on Health Care

From last night’s debate: BUSH: Health-care costs are on the rise because the consumers are not involved in the decision-making process. Most health-care costs are covered by third parties. And therefore, the actual user of health care is not the purchaser of health care. And there’s no market forces involved with health care. It’s one […]

Live Bloggin’

Blogger is slow right now, but it’s coming up. – No bulge immediately visible. – Note to Kerry: lay off the ports and cargo holds. Good point, already been made. On the other hand, there might be a lot of viewers who haven’t seen the previous debates. – When Bush says “spread liberty and freedom […]

SBGI Update

Media Matters has a list of mutual and pension funds that own $1m or more (at current prices, which are continuing to fall as news of their new Free Airtime initiative spreads.) One lesson I learned from the dot-com bust is that it’s not a good idea to invest in a company (directly, or indirectly […]

Budget Arithmetic

Your likely to hear a lot about the deficit tonight; much of what Bush says — As PGL pointed out in the preceeding post — will be untrue. EPI, Max Sawicky’s employer, has a new report out, The Budget Arithmetic Test, that’s worth a look. AB

Let’s Help Kerry Prepare for Tonight’s Debate

Kevin Drum notes five whoppers Bush told in the second debate and hopes Kerry’s staff comes with some clever responses before tonight’s debates. I’ll take a shot at whopper #2 as this one strikes me as really easy: The deficit is solely the result of recession and war. Flatly untrue. It’s also the result of […]

Are your tax dollars paying off Sinclair owners?

If blogging existed during the Summer of ’72, I wonder if Watergate may have been more fully exposed in time for the Nixon v. McGovern election. First of all, let me thank Kash for more fully explaining my first question when Chad rightfully noted that investors might purchase stock held by a family at a […]

If You Can’t Win on the Issues…

It seems that Republican political operatives have come to the conclusion that they can’t win this election on the issues. So what can they do to try to win this election anyway? Well, there are several options remaining. First, you can lie about your opponent. Second, you can use your control over the media to […]

Who Controls Sinclair Broadcasting?

AB noted yesterday that some of Sinclair Broadcasting’s shareholders were upset the decision of management to aid the Bush-Cheney ’04 campaign with free air time for another smear of John Kerry. Their stock, which was around $10 a share in early August, is trading now for about $7.30 a share. Kash also gave a list […]

The Last Word on Bush’s Agenda for America

I had intended to spend five weekly posts on the five chapters of the vacuous Agenda for America. Your reaction to Chapters 1 and 4 was underwhelming, but then the chapters were virtually empty on how Bush-Cheney intends to promote either economic growth or national security. So today, I’ll only briefly mention the other three […]