Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Too Much Debt?

No problem. Just raise your credit limit: WASHINGTON – The government should hit the national debt’s $7.4 trillion ceiling this month, and the Bush administration told Congress again Monday it should raise the limit. That would be a politically sticky move just weeks from the Nov. 2 elections. Treasury Department (news – web sites) spokesman […]

VP Debate Live Bloggin’

– Hmm. They just shook hands on camera; I read they weren’t going to do that. – FYI, Here’s Condoleeza Rice talking about tonight’s moderator, Gwen Ifill: RICE: Thank you very much. I’d like to thank Gwen for that wonderful introduction. And even if you aren’t getting invited, I can tell you that she is, […]

Why are some conservatives advocating no inflation adjustment?

I’ll be interested in whether Dick Cheney tries to claim real wages are rising again. It is true that the BLS reporting of nominal average hourly earnings is 7% higher than it was as of December 2001, but so is its reporting of consumer prices. We have seen lots of confusion on this score including […]

“Defending American Lives & Liberty”

Since the first Presidential debate covered the national security issue, my review of Bush’s Agenda for America will address chapter 4. The short version of this is “The Best Defense is a Good Offense”. I can see why the authors put the plans for strengthening homeland security towards the end of this document given that […]

Have Profits Peaked?

Earnings season is getting under way on Wall Street. Over the next few weeks most of the US’s big corporations will be reporting their third quarter profits. Over recent weeks, investors have become pessimistic on the outlook for corporate profits to keep rising. By a two-to-one ratio companies are warning investors that their profits will […]

What’s Changed?

Paul Bremer, July 2003, on Meet the Press: Tim Russert: Have you asked Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld for more American troops? Ambassador Paul Bremer: No, I have not. I expressed — Tim Russert: Do we need more? Ambassador Paul Bremer: I do not believe we do. I think the military commanders are confident we have […]

They Lie, and Then Provide the Evidence

I’ve come across a one-stop shop for proving the falsity of the claims of the Bush campaign: the George Bush re-election website! Today the Bush campaign released a new ad attacking Kerry. The web page that supposedly provides the “Ad facts” describes the opening of the ad: Mom Voiceover: 5:30, I need to get groceries…. […]

Rice spinning those aluminum tubes

Why is it so difficult for Condoleezza Rice to tell the truth? The story in the New York Times yesterday in many ways recounted what we learned in this story from two years ago: Evidence on Iraq Challenged: Experts Question if Tubes Were Meant for Weapons Program by Joby Warrick, Thursday, September 19, 2002…There is […]

Voter Registration

Registration continues to surge, particularly in urban areas in swing states (also, “the huge gains have come in areas with minority and low-income populations”), which seems almost certain to be good news for Kerry. A record surge of potential new voters has swamped boards of election from Pennsylvania to Oregon, as the biggest of the […]

Bush: Election Year Moderate

In 2000, Bush fooled a lot of people into thinking he was a moderate, or at least a “compassionate conservative.” Presumably he won’t be able to do it again, but the amazing thing is that he’s trying. In the 2000 debates, Bush at times criticized Gore from the left: “These folks have had eight years […]