Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Impugning Joseph Wilson’s Crediblity The following passage from Susan Schmidt’s July 10, 2004 article in the Washington Post are being used by many of Bush’s defenders to suggest Joseph Wilson lied: Wilson’s assertions – both about what he found in Niger and what the Bush administration did with the information – were undermined yesterday in […]

Work Yet to Do The Democrats have some work left to do in getting across the point that I linked to yesterday: Bush has a long record of position-changing and general hypocrisy. This is apparently not widely recognized: WASHINGTON – President Bush is viewed by more American voters as decisive and arrogant than Democratic rival […]

The Monster Turns on its Creators France and Germany (especially Germany) were among the principal architects of the EU’s “Monster” — the Stability and Growth Pact, an agreement written in 1992 wherein all countries joining the euro are required to keep any budget deficits below 3.0% of GDP. The economic reasons for imposing such a […]

Oak Ridge Today, the president gave a speech in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, proclaiming once again that the invasion was the right thing to do: Faced with polls that show many believe the terror threat against them has increased due to the Iraq war, Bush argued that wars against Iraq, Afghanistan and al Qaeda have made […]

President Bush: Flip-Flopper in Chief The Center for American Progress has updated and expanded their handy list of Bush’s flip-flops. It makes for some good summer reading. Especially if you’re suffering from outrage fatigue and need to be bucked up a bit. Maybe they should start a list of Cheney’s flip-flops, too. Kash

Al Qaeda, the US Elections, and a Little Logic Item #1: This past week the Bush administration warned that Al Qaeda is seeking to “disrupt the democratic process” by launching terrorist attacks in the US during the period leading up to the November election. Item #2: Nearly everyone (at least nearly all of those whose […]

Terrorism and the Spanish Elections My wife has spent most of her adult life studying, living in, and writing about Spain. This weekend she wrote a letter to the editor of our newspaper, in response to yet another article containing the oft-repeated fallacy that the Spanish people “surrendered to the terrorists” with the elections in […]

Edwards as the Anti-Cheney, Part II Last week I explained one reason why I think Edwards makes the perfect anti-Cheney. MoveOn has taken this idea and turned it into a nice web ad. You can take a look at it here. Kash

Fafnir on Torture Quoting Fafblog is becoming a regular feature here of late. They have a knack for exposing the fundamental absurdity of an issue: “But Fafnir I do not want to read about torture” you say because you are a lazy whining person. “I want to read about gumdrops an rainbows and Presidents who […]

Bush Administration fires another critic OK, this is just a new twist on an old theme on how this White House tries to conceal the truth but… WASHINGTON (CNN) — One day after she was fired, former U.S. Park Police Chief Teresa Chambers accused the Bush administration Saturday of silencing dissenting views in the rank […]