Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Which NY Times Op-Ed Columnist Are You? I am Tiger Woods Paul Krugman: You are Paul Krugman! You’re a brilliant economist with a knack for both making sense of the current economic situation and exposing the Bush administration’s lies about it. You somehow came out as the best anti-war writer on the Op-Ed staff. Other […]

At Last On Wednesday, responding to the news that Bush would need to be accompanied by a guardian/vice-president in order to testify before the 9/11 commission. At the time I remarked that “[It] seems like some enterprising young Photoshopper could get some mileage from a few pictures of ventriloquists, their dummies, Bush, and Cheney.” The […]

The Wizard of Oz Via TBogg, this from Eleanor Clift on the subject of Bush’s agreement to testify before the full 9/11 Commission, but only if Uncle Dick is at his side: A top Republican strategist dubbed the legal document striking the unusual deal “the Wizard of Oz letter” because it strips away the myth […]

Gary Hart In Salon today, an interview of Gary Hart who, in 2000, co-chaired the little-publicized U.S. Commission on National Security: Hart was co-chair (with former Sen. Warren Rudman, R-N.H.) of the U.S. Commission on National Security, a bipartisan panel that conducted the most thorough investigation of U.S. security challenges since World War II. After […]

Onion or Economist? Is this from The Onion or The Economist? AB

Labor Market Turnaround? You’ve probably already seen the news, but if not: The BLS’s labor market report for March is out, and it includes a blowout job creation number of 308,000. This is well past economists’ average expectations. The unemployment rate rose from 5.6% to 5.7%, which somewhat paradoxically may also be a signal of […]

Postcards from Old Europe – The rocket that didn’t launch Trying to divine central bank’s policies by interpreting the public statements made by their representatives always reminds me of the arcane art of Kremlinology. Practitioners of Centralbankology must have been working overtime the past couple of weeks to make sense of the many little tidbits […]

Can You Blame The Kid? Here’s the now famous bored-kid, instigator of the CNN-White House-David Letterman flap (via Atrios), looking at his watch: But who was his role model? For that we have to turn to the Elder Bush in (roughly) the year of the bored kid’s birth, when George Bush Sr. found that he […]

Saddam’s WMD Note: This is *not* a 4/1 joke. Based on a story today, Saddam Hussein possessed half the components required to build a nuclear landmine based on 1950’s era British technology: LONDON – A claim that Britain considered using live chickens in a nuclear weapon aroused skepticism Thursday, but officials insisted it was not […]

Flippity-Floppity Yesterday, I quoted an AP story on some of Bush’s reversals. The Center for American Progress has a more complete, though I’m sure not comprehensive, list. AB