Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

George Soros The three most famous super-rich liberals are George Soros, Warren Buffet (notwithstanding his advising the Shwarzenegger campaign), and Bill Gates Sr. (Gates Sr. is not personally rich, but as head of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation he still makes the list). The upcoming issue of Fortune has a medium-length piece on Soros […]

Will Bernanke be Right Again? Fed governor Ben Bernanke testified today on Capitol Hill as part of his confirmation process for a full 14 year term. He had some pretty bullish things to say, particularly about the prospect for an improvement in the US labor market. Here are some excerpts from his testimony: After several […]

Is the US Heading for Financial Disaster? Several commentators have been posing that very question recently. The concern is that the US might be heading for a major financial crisis due to increasing debt. For example, in Krugman’s piece in the NYTimes today, he writes The timing of [economic] crises is hard to predict. But […]

Hey Look! Not over there, not at Iraq. Look! International trafficking of women! Hey! I said stop looking at Iraq. Look! No, seriously. Look. Over there! No, stop looking at Iraq! There’s a communist dictator in Cuba! Hey! I said Look at Cuba! AB NOTE: Yes, in this post I am making light (somewhat) of […]

This Week’s This Modern World And that’s just one frame; the rest is here. AB

Speaking of Questionable Logic Click here for some from Dick Cheney. AB

Are Two Losers Better than One? Ok, Kerry and Gephardt aren’t really losers, they’re just losing the primary race. One has no chance and the other has a small chance. But they’re hoping not to go down alone: These two presidential contenders, who for months have been eclipsed by the surging campaign of Howard Dean, […]

What’s with Kinsley? I vaguely recall reading something in the last week or two about an op-ed by Michael Kinsley that many thought was excessively anti-Clark, or anti-Clark and unfair. Who knows? I like generally like Kinsley’s work, but I didn’t read that one. But in today’s Washington Post, Kinsley uses the following argument to […]

Low, Even for Astroturf The Iraqi soldier astroturf is old news, but now it’s mainstream news. Here’s an exchange that would be amusing if it were not so depressingly revealing of the length GOP supporters will go to–in this case, as soldier’s grenade wound is not bad news, but instead a great opportunity for some […]

Remember Back When a Democrat Was in The White House? Clinton, in his Jan. 19, 1999 State of the Union Speech: For the first time in three decades, the budget is balanced. From a deficit of $290 billion in 1992, we had a surplus of $70 billion last year. And now we are on course […]