Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Great Line of the Day From TBogg: As I have said before, some people choose abstinence, others have it thrust upon them. Get the context here. And while you’re there, scroll up to this post for a brief sojourn into the surreal. AB

Six Through Ten 6. Benedict Arnold. This, from his actual letter to the British, is truly low, and readily explains his inclusion in my twenty worst list: “On the 13th Instant I addressed a letter / to you expressing my Sentiments and expectations, viz, that / the following Preliminaries be settled previous to cooperating. – […]

Rice Watch Day Twenty-Two From a must-read piece in today’s Washington Post (Depiction of Threat Outgrew Supporting Evidence): Answering questions Thursday before the National Association of Black Journalists, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice said she is “certain to this day that this regime was a threat, that it was pursuing a nuclear weapon, that it […]

Guest Blog for Angry Bear Angry Bear traffic is growing at a healthy clip; nothing kills traffic like taking off for a week and not posting. I need unique IPs to flourish. (When I went to Europe in the spring, it took months for my traffic to recover). Nervertheless, intrepidly placing my personal life before […]

The Smog Thickens I recently plugged Bob Park’s shedding of light on the scientists behind the no-global-warming study that he aministration recently foisted into an EPA report. Morat of Skeptical Notion reports that the administration may be involved in a few other shenanigans to discredit the science behind global warming. AB

I Suspect… …that if true this will make many Angry Bear readers happy. AB

Numbers One Through Five Notwithstanding the title, these are not really ordered, except that I made some effort to put the “least worst” at the end of the list (don’t worry, George W. slipped in near the end). I did not parse it more finely than that–I leave it to you to decide, e.g., if […]

The Votes Are In A while back, John Hawkins of (which is actually a fairly readable Righty site–the Dean posts are hilarious, what Joe Lieberman might write if he had a sense of humor) took a poll of who fellow conservative bloggers thought were the worst figures in American history, leading to the conservative’s […]

That Didn’t Take Long Not three hours have passed since I wrote about some fool in Wahington (state) getting taken to the cleaners, and taking his church’s and friends’ money with him, and now I get this: EMAIL: gf11an@XXXXXX@ZZZ FAX: 130XXXXXXXX HELLO I want you to patiently read this my offer and make up your […]

Matt Needs Money Matt Yglesias is now soliciting contributions (DC is very expensive and being a young writer for The American Prospect does not pay much). I couldn’t decide if I should just quietly give him a few bucks or use the awsome power of my blog to send a deluge of cash his way.* […]