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Figuring the costs of minimum wage hikes

Real News interviews Jeannette Wicks-Lim is an Associate Professor at the Political Economy Research Institute in Amherst, Massachusetts. Wicks-Lim specializes in labor economics with an emphasis on the low-wage labor…

"Saving" ≠ "Saving Resources"*

Many economists — mostly the freshwater/neoclassical/supply-side/conservative types, but also many on the left — hold in their heads a very peculiar model of how economies work. It’s a model of…

PGL and tax haven report

PGL at Econospeak notes: Darla Cameron and Jia Lynn Yang want to report on how US multinationals are shifting profits to foreign tax havens but their key statistic is the…

Health Care Thoughts: Obamacare Fail

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Health Care Thoughts: Obamacare Fail When I mention problems with Obamacare implementation in the blogosphere, I am pummeled. Liberals think I am overly cynical, too…

These numbers don’t add up

by David Zetland, a series of posts highlighting major points over time. The paper must be downloaded to read. Wageningen UR – Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group; PERC –…