Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

California Update Turnout is reportedly quite high, which in a majority Democratic state, is probably good news for Davis: California voters appeared to be turning out in large numbers today for the state’s extraordinary election to decide whether Gov. Gray Davis (D) should be recalled from office and to choose one of 135 candidates vying […]

What Would Rush Say? (If he hadn’t been kicked out on his fat ass?) As you all know, Rush Limbaugh resigned (apparently after being ordered to) from ESPN’s pregame show. Now, sadly, we are left to try in vain to make sense of one of the most amazing Monday Night Football games ever — a […]

Mankiw Believes in Rubinomics Employing a startling new tactic that was surely designed to throw opponents off balance, Greg Mankiw took the unprecendented step for a Bush administration economist of sounding like an actual economist yesterday: “Naturally the budget deficit is a cause for concern,” Gregory Mankiw, chief economic adviser to President George W. Bush, […]

Leaking With a Vengeance That’s the title of this harsh story on the cover of Time. Here’s the lead paragraph She was smart and beautiful and disarming, married to a former ambassador and the 40-year-old mother of 3-year-old twins. Best of all, she had a job that let her try to save the world. At […]

Thoughts about California First, this old proverb, sometimes attributed to Ben Franklin and more recently publicized by Hunter Thompson: “In a democracy, people usually get the government they deserve, and deserve the government they get.” We’ll see what kind of government Californians deserve tomorrow. Second, a question. Is California the only state that would boot […]

Once in a Blue Moon… …someone does what he believes is the right thing even though it enrages his constituency and peers. And he knows he’ll be shredded in the press and by friend and foe alike for doing said right thing. But he does it anyway. Even less frequently, he gets credit from unexpected […]

Tom DeLay is on Board! Mr. DeLay apparently wants a full investigation of the Plame affair. At a press conference, Tom DeLay released a letter calling for an FBI investigation signed by the Republican House Leaders: Whether or not that specific story originated with the White House or its allies, clearly there is credible evidence […]

Disgusting Via Kuffner, this depressing story from the Austin-American Statesman: [T]he House voted Thursday to adjourn until 2 p.m. Sunday for possible debate — which could go on beyond sundown — on any map approved by House-Senate conferees. House Speaker Tom Craddick said that if there is no map to be considered Sunday, the House […]

RSS Apparently, my old RSS feed went down, so I’ve switched from using blogmatrix to using blogstreet, meaning you may have to update your aggregator. I think I’ve got the code right, but I’m not certain. If any techies feel like viewing the page source and checking it out, I will appreciate it greatly. AB

On Dean Just to clarify, I have no problems whatsoever with Dean. I simply do not want his supporters attacking the other Democratic candidates (and I’d be nonplussed if Dean approved of such steps). The same goes for all the candidates. For example, I was very disappointed in Kerry for his stupid “Dear Governor Dean” […]