Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Economic hitman

by Mike Kimel Cross posted at the Presimetrics blog. I guess when you’re a very not famous (co-)author like yours truly, people start contacting you with information about their books. I got an e-mail today from another currently very not famous author plugging his book, and I found it to be an interesting concept. The […]

A Proposed Bet for Professors Bryan Caplan and David R. Henderson

by Mike Kimel A Proposed Bet for Professors Bryan Caplan and David R. Henderson (and Anyone Else Who Believes Lower Taxes Generate Faster Economic Growth)Cross posted at the Presimetrics blog. Professors Caplan and Henderson, Both of you have had recent posts that indicate you have some enthusiasm for betting on economic outcomes. (Your co-blogger at […]

Extrapolated September 2010 Debt, by President

by Mike Kimel Extrapolated September 2010 Debt, by President Cross-posted at the Presimetrics blog. This one is quick and dirty because I’m very low on time…. Anyhow, these days there’s a lot of talk about the debt, and some talk about how irresponsible Obama is, or maybe its GW. Who knows, there’s a lotta talk […]

Post WW2 Private Investment v. New Deal Private Investment

by Mike Kimel Post WW2 Private Investment v. New Deal Private InvestmentCross posted at the Presimetrics blog. I had a post the other day (which appeared at the Presimetrics blog and Angry Bear, and which was followed up by my fellow Angry Bear, Spencer, here) looking at a paper by David R. Henderson about the […]

Note on Elizabeth Warren

This post caught my attention, and worth holding in mind as regulation develops. After several weeks of officially pleasant interactions, signs are emerging that the Treasury Department’s knives may be coming out against Elizabeth Warren. In recent weeks, Treasury officials have leaked details about Warren to Politico as part of what appears to be an […]

Discouraging Greg Mankiw From Working Would be Good for the Economy

by Mike Kimel Discouraging Greg Mankiw From Working Would be Good for the EconomyCross posted at the the Presimetrics blog. A few days ago Greg Mankiw had an op ed piece in the NY Times talking about how even small increases in the marginal tax rate would keep him (and by extension, other talented folks […]

Corporate Tax Rates and Unemployment, A Correction

by Mike Kimel Corporate Tax Rates and Unemployment, A Correction Cross posted at the Presimetrics blog. — I’m embarrassed. I messed up last week’s post which appeared at Angry Bear and on the Presimetrics blog. Essentially, I copied in some of the data on tax rates incorrect for three years in the late 1970s; the […]

Hey, Big Spenders… (Status Report on Presimetrics)

by Mike Kimel Update: Rdan here Take the quiz now…hey big spenders Status Report on Presimetrics The Intelligence Report column in Parade Magazine, the newspaper that appears in Sunday newspapers across the country, wrote a short quiz based on Presimetrics. It will appear in this Sunday’s issue. Michael Kanell and I will log in to […]