Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Another kind of recovery

rdan Zero Hedge notes the beginnings of another kind of recovery by the big guys. This paragraph caught my eye. While on one hand it is surprising that NTRS could generate losses on lender arrangements, which traditionally have a 0 lower return bound, what is much more shocking, is that such a large company as […]

Simon Johnson suggests a narrative

rdan (re-post) Perhaps Simon Johnson is correct in his estimation of a captured financial/government combination than is discussed in detail to date. Here is his Atlantic Monthly piece a la IMF perspective…two paragraphs stand out for me on the first page, but explanation goes on for several pages. In its depth and suddenness, the U.S. […]

Bananas republic?

rdan NYT shouts out about Wagoner and GM. Chrysler must merge with Fiat? Wagoner needed to go in my opinion, but so do some of the bankers. When is that to happen? Perhaps Simon Johnson is more correct in his estimation of a captured financial/government combination than is discussed in detail to date. Here is […]

Not every financial team is crazy

rdan Good News Economist suggests there is good news that many banks are still lending and were not caught in the crazy markets of sub-prime and CDOs. The story looks to be more complicated than just mega-banks and credit freezes.

Some quotes from CBO’s analysis of the President’s budgetary proposals

rdan…lifted from comments by Movie Guy Key points from CBO’s analysis of implementing the President’s budgetary proposals. DEFICITS: “As estimated by CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation, the President’s proposals would add $4.8 trillion to the baseline deficits over the 2010–2019 period. CBO projects that if those proposals were enacted, the deficit would total […]

Honest accounting and deficits matter? Real change?

rdan The following is the meme on the deficits for many Republicans. I do not recall any CBO thoughts being quoted so forcefully and completely on the budget by a Republican…or even mentioned much…in years. Supporters are tossing out the meme, usually with no numbers or per centages and a comparison. Prove it Mr. McCain, […]

Drug testing for those being bailed out

rdan Associated Press carries some news on our perceptions and priorities. Now who HAS the money for more drugs…especially cocaine? Oh the irony! CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Want government assistance? Just say no to drugs. Lawmakers in at least eight states want recipients of food stamps, unemployment benefits or welfare to submit to random drug testing. […]


by reader coberly SOCIAL SECURITY: RETURN ON INVESTMENT We often hear claims that the “rate of return on investment” of Social Security is less than what a person could realize by investing “in the market.” So much so that some authors claim that Social Security has created a “legacy debt” that amounts to a “backward […]