Why are auto insurance rates going up so much?
Kevin Drum has a short piece on the recent surge in auto insurance rates. He doesn’t offer any explanation in his post, but the comment thread has suggestions:
• a combination of increase in bad driving and lack of enforcement;
• fender benders are much more costly since all the self-driving gear as well as lane alerts, back up and blind spot cameras, etc., are in the bumpers, windshields and side view mirrors;
• the increased number of EVs on the road, which some commenters assert are more expensive to repair;
• increased damage due to climate change (fires, floods).
Commenters note that insurance rates have also surged in Canada and Germany, so it’s apparently not just a US thing.
Explaining the surge in auto insurance rates
Insurance company C-suite bonuses. Can’t forget those bonuses. All of the toys those folks need cost so much more, so their compensation needs to accelerate accordingly. How else do you expect to attract the best talent?