USPS regulator says DeJoy should pause all network reform efforts

by Steve Hutkins

Save the Post Office

Steve is my go to person for the USPS. Both Dan and I have known him for about a decade. Steve and others who have featured on Save the Post Office have been writing on its operation for years. Mostly the topics have been covering Postmaster Louis Dejoy’s failure to deliver a better system of delivering the mail to “all” parts of the nation. Delivery everywhere is the prime task of the USPS regardless of where of where a person lives.

Again, Congress has asked the Post Office to stop its transition to a new delivery system which to date has not matched the older system in delivering on time. I believe Biden’s hands are tied on this issue.

Government Executive: The U.S. Postal Service’s regulator is calling on the mailing agency to pause all of the reform efforts it is currently undertaking, marking the first time it has formally issued such a recommendation and yet another escalation in the feud between the two entities.

The Postal Regulatory Commission expressed concern that postal management is moving forward with its plan to many aspects of its plan to consolidate mail sorting and processing despite the difficulties it has experienced rolling out those changes to date. It said the network changes should not continue until USPS can further study the impacts of the efforts. While the suggestions to not carry any obligation for the Postal Service, they continue the pressure Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has faced as he continues to implement his vision to overhaul the agency.

DeJoy announced earlier this year he would pause the moving of mail processing facilities until at least 2025, which followed bipartisan blowback from lawmakers in both chambers of Congress. He is proceeding with the establishment of some of his new regional processing centers and the “sorting and delivery centers” where letter carriers will report to pick up the mail each day, however, leading to PRC’s recommendation. DeJoy is overseeing the changes as part of his 10-year Delivering for America plan to improve USPS operations

In an analysis of the Postal Service’s fiscal 2023 performance and its fiscal 2024 plan, PRC said the agency should “pause other DFA plan initiatives in addition to moving mail processing facilities, so that it can conduct a comprehensive study of the DFA plan’s potential impacts on service performance.”

Read more: USPS regulator says DeJoy should pause all network reform efforts – Government Executive