Dumb and Dumber
Two bits of news from Twitter.
The GRU employed 305 morons who have been identified as GRU operatives, because they registered their cars at a GRU office address to intimidate the traffic police. In theory automombile registries are not available to the public. In Russia everything is available for a price.
Click the link and read the thread.
Yep they are a bunch of corrupt buffoons who probably didn’t manage anything except for hacking the DNC, John Podesta and Smartech. What is Smartech ?
It’s the internet company that the Bush administration used to evade the Presidential Records Act hiding 22,000,000 e-mails which should have been preserved (“but her e-mails”). Unlike Clinton.com, it definitely was hacked by the Russians . Projection it’s always projection. Always.
It was also used by Senator Graham whose sudden switch from Trump critic to Trump fan has lead many people to assume he is being blackmailed. It was also use by Senators Corker and Flake before their mysterious retirements (and Flake’s incomprehensible Kavanaugh related decisions — damn I was trying to not name he who can not be named).
Click this link. It’s just a thread on twitter, but it has links to sources. Also I knew many of the facts (from various sources some of them reliable) but didn’t know about Flake and Corker.
So the corrupt idiots seem to have managed to get kompromat on 3% of the US Senate — probably enough to decide who will be on the Supreme Court.
I have one question which I urgently want answered. Did Susan Collins use Smartech ? I won’t care in 100 minutes when she announces her final vote on Kavanaugh, but I want to know now.
I listened to Collins’ entire speech it was pretty reasonable and showed great concern for evidence, presumption of innocence and a lean toward dismissing unsubstantiated “recall”.
If Russian hackers get that response I think a lot of liberals could advance with them.
You are going to have to clue me in on that one.
So Corker, Flake and maybe Collins were blackmailed?
Collins spoke too long and too much to theory and precedent likely bored those whose politics put planks in their eyes.
The common thread between Russians with resect to Clinton and RW above is nothing in either case was false, fraudulent or prejudging.
In that vein maybe the GRU is doing US a favor. Going to fact rather than feed those whose minds are prejudiced.
Dumb = anyone who believes a country with a GDP half the size of California is a threat to U.S. oligarchy, er I mean “democracy.”
Dumber = anyone who tries to look smart by using Russian words like “kompromat.”
You can disagree all you wish too. When you start to make comments about Robert Waldman, I begin to take notice. He is far more intellectual than you or I for that matter. When he writes here, I take the time to read him along with Barkley, Peter, Tom, and the others as well. These are the people who are cited more often than others here and elsewhere. Calling someone dumb reflects upon you more than it does the other.
Incidentally, why would the Russians CARE whether Kavanaugh is confirmed? The Supreme Court mostly rules on domestic issues of little interest from a foreign policy standpoint–and the court is unlikely to do anything to slow down the growth of the American war machine regardless of who sits on it.
If your point is that the confirmation hearings are sowing discord, the Democrats did that by dredging up four decade old, unsupportable allegations and making them the centerpiece of their opposition instead of Kavanaugh’s despicable record on torture and domestic spying.
sigh . . .
The Supreme Court will soon rule on whether the same acts can be prosecuted in Federal and State Courts. Basically 5 justices will be able to grant Trump the power to protect his accomplices from prosecution in state courts. This is essential to the joint Putin/Trump/whole GOP effort to hide their crimes and subvert US Democracy.
Kavanaugh will be a justice because of hi eagerness to place Trump entirely above the law. This is also the reason Putin wants him on the Court.
This sounds like a conspiracy theory, but, in fact, it is all out n the open.
If the issue were Roe V Wade or Lochner V New York, many other ultra reactionaries would have done as well as Kavanaugh. But they were determined to run huge political risks for Kavanaugh. Either they are idiots who insist on yes just because Democrats say no, or he had something special (or as is likely both). His willingness to assist G W Bush’s direct assault on the Constitution and his recent writings shows that he is eager to help Trump subvert US Democracy. This pleases Putin too.
Isn’t all this obvious ?
The thing is Karl, the gru might care quite a bit if one of the domestic issues the court ends up deciding is whether or not the current president can be held accountable under law. Just saying.
Susan Collins speech was “pretty reasonable” only if you didn’t care that the FBI didn’t investigate anything and that she misleadingly summarized the testimony and evidence (such as it was) that the committee allowed as well as accused the Democrats, without proof, of leaking the letter Christine Ford sent to Diane Feinstein. Actually, the letter, itself never leaked. It was the content of Christine Ford’s claims that leaked as likely as not from her “beach friends” who she confided in. The Intercept asserted it did not get a leak from the Democrats. Susan Collins, as someone commented, was simply a cheap pink suit, as usual. Remember those promises she got from McConnell about the ACA?
The entirety of the libelous rants against Kavanaugh were political, if you listened to both sides’ “arguments”.
Collins to me was less “guilty until proven innocent”.
I will donate to Palin 2022 in AK, I was stationed there in the 70’s…….
And anyone running against a democrat in my adopted state of NH.
Both JackD and Robert got it correct. The path is clear for Trump to subvert any findings coming out of Mueller. Roe vs Wade will be on the table. Susan Collins is just another cheap suit who can be both fooled and bought. Collins, Flake, Sasse chose to hide behind a flawed and incomplete FBI investigation as demanded by Trump. Former Justice Kennedy will go down as a scoundrel in history and we will see whether his son will benefit. The libelous rants were by Kavanaugh and Mitchell with her comments on Dr. Ford. We saw Justice John Paul Stevens disavow Kavanaugh. A thousand-plus Law Professors signed a letter stating Kavanaugh was not worthy and lacked the character to be a Justice.
Indeed, Kavanaugh did lie in the Hearings before the Judicial Committee. Grassley, Hatch, Graham, Flake, and the others are just as guilty through association. The attacks on the women by Trump, Republicans, Kavanaugh and his associates were uncalled for and will be remembered.
Seems RW named this post correctly. Every time you speak you just get Dumb and Dumber.
Thanks for the reference to Roe v Wade etc.
I listened to Collins most of the 43 minutes, sure she is a stuffed pants suit! But, a tiny bit less slanderous version of the democrat monkey cage who make up excuses about federalism or judicial proclivities.
Yes, the Beria like show trial by Mueller with 20 months and only procedural indictments could be judged by a 5 GOP appointee court, if you believe what the monkeys' slanderers imply.
While Mitchell claims that Ford’s testimony falls short and would fall short in court, it is only because Mitchell leaves out details of the testimony. Kavanaugh lies about there even being a party and produces his calendar which refutes his claim. Kavanaugh lied here and throughout his testimony.
Response to Mitchell
Mitchell claim: “Dr. Ford identified other witnesses to the event, and those witnesses either refuted her allegations or failed to corroborate them.” “Dr. Ford’s account of the alleged assault has not been corroborated by anyone she identified as having attended—including her lifelong friend.”
That is Feinstein’s ;letter back to Mitchell, Kavanaugh, and the Senate Committee. It refutes everything Mitchell surmises with no evidsence and also something she would not pursue as a prosecutor. She gets a way with her malfessance because there is no judge to call her to the bench. This was not a trial and Mitchell made it appear to be one.
Again, how many years have the Clinton’s been under investigation? How many congressional investigations and she was pretty relaxed in the last one where Kavanaugh lost his kool enough so that Stevens disavowed him as as being competent enough and having the character to be a Justice.
PGL has a good post up at Econospeak. The Susan Collins excuse
Trump and the Senate knew of Kavanaugh’s issue in July. The FBI came to Trump and told him and the Senators. It is then they could have dismissed him and they chose not to do so. Instead they chose to attack Ford, her story, her character, as well as attack others. Kavanaugh lied about his assault on her and he was a drunk.
Robert Waldman talked about Kavanaugh being a textualist in interpreting what the wording of the constitution meant coming from the writers of it. Yet Kavanaugh deliberateluyy distorted wthe meaing of his words in testimony. Kavanaugh lied. He is not suitable to be a justice and he did attempt to rape Ford and other women as well.
The only slander and lies have been by Kavanaugh and Republicans. I believe the discussion is done ilsm. You wish to live in your fantasy world when everything says you are wrong.
Folks, ilsm is a troll. It leaves its droppings to get attention. Please don’t feed the troll.
It is not the opposite side of the arguments that make you a troll, it is the constant lies and distortions you assume to be correct that makes you a troll.