Trump in Helsinki: “I do not see any reason why Russia would be responsible, I have great confidence in my intelligence people; but I will tell you that, President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”
Trump back in Washington D.C.: “I accept our intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also. A lot of people out there. There was no collusion at all,” in remarks preceding a meeting with House of Representatives Republicans about possible future tax cuts.
He has never had to pay for his actions or his remarks in his entire life. Everyone on the Republican side will fall back in line to cover for Trump.
“possible future tax cuts”
Their precioussss.
My first reaction to this flip flop was that Trump is the most gutless weasel ever. Then I realized he is playing to his base – the stupidest MFers ever.
No wonder the rest of the world is laughing at us.
Be kind, sucking down all of the lead-polluted-air addled their brains.
Jeff – exactly. Senator Whorin’ Hatch wants to put this traitor President on Mt. Rushmore as Hatch is getting more tax cuts for his rich buddies. After all – the only goal of the Republican Party is tax cuts for the rich. Treason? What treason?
Trump is a bald faced liar.
Trump the “bald faced liar” is talking and not responding to the saber rattling from the centrist war party.
I am following Twin’s advice and not lowering to your level. I am sure you would win.
My reaction is….. you fil it in!
So, you endorse Trump’s remarks? “I do not see any reason why Russia would be responsible, I have great confidence in my intelligence people; but I will tell you that, President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.” 🙂 Nobody is rattling any sabers.
Yup, he has always been a liar and continues to be one.
Putin should have said: “Okay Mueller, you timed it for this meeting, send all the evidence. I will decide if I will send the indicted”.
I do not see Trump is a liar. Any more or less than the people who wanted to keep the leaked facts from the electorate are liars.
My observation is the media has convicted Trump and everyone suffering unhealthy, overdone grief over Clinton missing her turn is believing anything said against Trump.
I get it at my kitchen table still!
My bottom line on the leaks, it don’t matter who leaked them!
What matters is the leaks revealed facts, Hillary wanted kept from the general voter (‘we’ do not want ‘informed voters’ is the MSM and DNC view).
It is about information and voters. There is no democracy when voters are scammed, and facts hidden!
There were secrets that were meant to be kept from the US people who should have known the things in the leaks.
So, Assange, you-alls say Putin, put out truth that embarrassed the crooks in the DNC, what is bad about our international rival serving the interests of the 99%?
Is it: Putin does not help the 1% to the exclusion of the 99% like the DNC?
Sins of omission when it comes to getting someone to vote……..
again non sequitur and deflection. Trump lied to the public and when the heat turned up, he changed his story.
US marines are ‘saber rattling’ around Ukraine per Stars and Stripes……
but I was getting at all the msm and snowflake saber rattlin tweets’ and assorted blither about Putin “attacking” US democracy, by giving out facts the voters need to know….. the militarist sound bites …..
how does that sound?
So the young who have not paid a price want to go to war to get their rows. This old one knows better which is why I am still here with my two rows. Putin is a liar the same as Trump. You are off topic.
Bharara sums it up this way: “It’s about making people believe you can’t trust in any truth.”
Tell the truth and quit telling mistruths to confuse the issues.
Does an unsealed indictment really count as a leak?
The indictment should be unsealed promptly when the grand jury work is done unless there is risk of flight or danger to government witnesses.
We already know about the Dutch watching the GRU via CCTV and none of these people are in the US.
Good question for JackD when he is here.
Run @ 9:39PM.
Run the list of my lies, with the list of neolib truths I am lying about.
You and Em…….
As to young ones and being sent oiff for “national interests”, whatever Heritage and Brookings mean by that righteous term for unleashing organized state murder…….
what is your point?
Does an unsealed indictment count as a leak? No.