I’ve been posting a lot of critical stuff on gaps and faulty assumptions in the rhetoric and strategy (such as it is) of the US Left. A reasonable person might say, OK, enough already. We know what we’re doing isn’t working, but what would? What’s the alternative?
Good question—I’m glad you asked. Actually, for about 40+ years I’ve had the same idea, which I’ll now try out on you.
First, consider the basic conundrum of organizing the Left. On the one hand, what’s needed is structure on every scale from your neighborhood or workplace to the whole country. We need to bring the millions of people who share our outlook, in some general sense, into a common organization. Conservatives will always have more money to draw on; those on the other side have to rely on numbers—and not hypothetical or once-in-a-blue-moon election numbers, but everyday, signed up and available for mobilization numbers. In other words, the organizational basis for ongoing collective action.
But here’s the thing: the Left has had only flashes of success at this game because it has a powerful tendency to factionalize. Every time it looks like an organization is getting over the hump it breaks apart. Why this is so is an interesting question, but I won’t go into it here. In some ways the dissentious character of the Left is a good thing, since social change is complicated and we need many points of view. Still, it gets in the way of solving the organizational dilemma, and I will assume this will remain the case.
So how to build a measure of organizational unity on a fractious base? Scale down the scope of this hypothetical organization in order to scale up across differences in beliefs and strategy. Imagine an organization with many of the characteristics organizations are supposed to have, like membership rosters, officers, budgets, facilities, and activities, but prohibit it from taking sides in any electoral, legislative or judicial dispute, or promulgate manifestos as an organization. Make it so there is no political program to fight over, nothing to make members want to quit or drive out those who disagree. Then allow it to succeed at a more limited role.
And what would this role be? Above all, it would make visible, countable even, the existence of a massive Left constituency in America. People would feel differently—they would have more self-confidence and be willing to take bolder action—if they knew they were not alone but part of a movement with millions of supporters. They could begin to think in “we” terms, where “we” is a fairly well-defined group with game-changing potential. In addition, such an organization could create opportunities for networking, incubating smaller groups centered on particular issues or ideologies or self-identities, free to be as political as they want, and facilitate media with a wider reach than what we currently have. It could schedule debates and film series, organize festivals and commemorations, and foster other activities to keep people informed and connected to one another. It would not do everything—we would still need explicit political organizations to take stands, lobby, organize protests and win elections—but it would be a giant step forward.
The issue of membership is crucial, because it essentially defines what it means to be on the Left. Here I think the key move is to emphasize values and not means. What makes someone part of the big family of the Left is not adherence to a particular system of ownership of the means of production or support for any single strategy for social change, but acceptance of democracy, freedom and equality as the primary criteria for valuing any of these. Wording would be tricky, but I can imagine a short list of core values that the organization would stand for and that joining it would endorse. It would probably be necessary to make the values binding in the sense that a clear pattern of violating them would be grounds for being denied membership. White supremacists or other bigots, for instance, should not be permitted to infiltrate, nor others whose underlying philosophy indicates their purpose is disruption or domination rather than collaboration with broadly like-minded activists.
Dues should be kept as low as possible, perhaps on a sliding scale to remove economic status as a condition of membership. But some payment is needed so that members are making at least a nominal commitment, with self-financing a crucial buffer against external influence.
There should be chapters of this organization at every scale, from a few city blocks to states and the whole country. Officers would need to be elected to manage funds, coordinate activities, communicate to the media and guarantee the principles of the organization are being followed. Of course, there should be transparent procedures for recalling officers who prove to be deficient—but again it is crucial that the organization be prohibited from taking sides in any political dispute so that battles over leadership are not about control over political orientation.
A useful alternative to manifestos and official statements of political position would be frequent polling of the membership. If a reasonable hurdle, such as support from a minimum percent of the organization, could be met, polls would be conducted to convey the range and weight of views. In this way majorities would not presume to speak for the whole, and minorities would not be silenced, but the existence of both would be acknowledged.
I don’t have all the details figured out. Above all, I don’t see an obvious solution to the problem of media. One of the main functions of such an organization should be to stimulate the growth of left-oriented publications and similar outlets. These would need to be curated, since there is already a superabundance of material directed at those on the Left (and every other political stripe), and there is no point to simply piling on. At the same time, to select the “best” or “most important” content is to apply judgment over which factions will tend to factionalize. I don’t see an obvious solution.
The general principle is that what we need to do, what we always need to do, is take the next step. The step must be large enough to be worth taking, but not much more than that, since if we succeed we’ll be in a better place to take another step, and then another.
good luck with that.
i’ve been worryin’ (trying to think about) that for a long time. But every time I try to explain something to the Left about not NEEDLESSLY creating enemies, they call me names.
It turns out that the professionals are just the same, right or left, they are in it for the game and the spoils. And the “base” are just the same. It’s a way to express their hate… a game without even spoils.
“And the “base” are just the same. It’s a way to express their hate… a game without even spoils.”
I call BS on that. Can you imagine the left trying to amass all the hatred of Charlottesville–Neo-nazis, white supremecists, religionists, some people happy about someone getting mowed down by a car, etc. We don’t have that. Maybe we despise the right(I certainly do), but that is different from hatred.
Welcome to Angry Bear. First comments always go to moderation to weed out spammers and advertising.
I think that the answer to your question about organizing a counter to what we have now it to identify the one issue that one could galvanize everyone/most around.
I think that issue would be to substitute public finance for private…..completely.
I realize this still leaves the ongoing private ownership of property enable by unfettered inheritance initially unresolved but that one change would eliminate the God of Mammon incentives that our society currently lives by and force us to agree to others less onerous.
My $0.02
I can only think of one such issue, and that is to unite against the main reason that makes the right so monolithic, racism.
The left needs to to attack Reps, and their voters, for their racism. Cause it is that racist creed that has been used to attack government for more than 50 years.
And don’t worry about alienating people and losing hte chance for them to change their vote, they are never going to (spare me the exit poll bs).
Basically, we need the idea behind this:
“This holiday season, show your relatives you love them by bestowing upon them the gift of activism without even having to say anything.
Splendid Rain Co., created by New Jersey-based student Olatiwa Karade, is a politically charged clothing line that currently includes sweatshirts emblazoned with phrases like “Don’t touch me, don’t touch my hair, don’t touch my culture,” “Africa is not a country” and our personal favorite, “F*ck your racist grandma.”
you just illustrated my point.
organize the majority under the banner of permanent commercial interests,
collectively pool more political money than all the billionaires,
put sufficient man and woman power to systematically — and systemically — to work on and work our America’s myriad economic and concomitant social problems problems,
follow the steps below.
A near future (fingers crossed) Democratic Congress can pass legislation requiring first time certification or re-certification labor union elections at every workplace every so many years.
Consider this additional feature: part of election choice can be whether members wish mandatory re-certification after one year, three years or five years — plurality rules.
This extra choice could facilitate “yes” votes at high union-doubter workplaces and dispense with the most rancorous potential arguing because pro-union can always say to union-worriers: ”Try it for a year — can’t hurt.”
(Government employees left outside NLRA election structure. Wisconsin intent should be clearly recognized as unconstitutional pressure on freedom of assembly — no other purpose possible for such an over-extreme requirement. Courts say First Amendment protects government worker organizing but not their right to bargain.)
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Why Not Hold Union Representation Elections on a Regular Schedule?
November 1st, 2017 – Andrew Strom
I understand your mantra, and I agree about the need for strong unions. But can you explain to me white union workers have voted Rep since the Civil Rights Act?
Maybe they are like the slow boiling frog — definitely like. They didn’t appreciate what they had when they had it (high union density — I should say healthy density as opposed to morbid level) — they didn’t know they were losing it when they were losing it — they don’t know they don’t have it now.
Try to get your progressive academics who supposedly have a broad vantage of everything from high above to make anything special about the disappearance of labor unions in the non-govevernment economy. Just read a book by the esteemed Richard V. Reeves.
His seven part prescription for making over America (pardon the long wind):
1. reduce unintended pregnancies,
2. increase home visiting to improve parenting,
3. get better teachers for unlucky kids,
4. fund college fairly,
5. curb exclusionary zoning,
6. end legacy admissions,
7. open up internships.
Seems to think it’s all about balancing competitiveness. No thought at all about balancing bargaining labor market power (and at the same time political forum power) via good old fashioned, been there done that so why not do it again, labor unions — totally focused on the day-to-day lives of his high income class.
All that competitiveness may not much help the economy. Germany has 16% college — US has 40% (maybe most of our grads are over qualified at work). We have to do college because everyone else does it — not necessarily because the economy needs it. Reeves is totally focused on the disadvantage poorer kids are at in this — possibly unneeded competitive struggle.
Needless to say, nothing that Reeves says offers much rescue for the West side and South side ghettos of Chicago where half the minority gang-age males are in drug dealing street gangs.
Reviving the ability to join a labor union without fear could be just what the ghettos AND the rust belt need. If fast food can pay $15/hr with 33% labor costs, Target and most businesses can plausibly pay $20 at 10-15% (typical) labor costs and Walmart can thinkably pay $25/hr at a mere 7% labor costs.
PS. As to exclusionary zoning, I like the Vladimir Putin approach. Tear down 4,000 to 8,000 three and four story buildings in Moscow to make way for residential high rises. I predict San Francisco will come to that — 140 million US population when I was born, 330 million today, 500 million in 2050 — get me Blade Runner (I’m a native New Yorker; I like a crowd).
When the mills were shutting down in PA during the early 70s I had many friends who, after losing their jobs, went to college. Most really did not want to even with the GI Bill paying for it.
So I think there is a chance that the US/Germany college rates have more to do with work in Germany versus the US than any drive towards education.