Financial Times Messes Up On Italy
by Barkley Rosser
Financial Times Messes Up On Italy
I have for a long time thought the Financial Times to be the best newspaper in the world, but now I am going to play Dean Baker beating the press on it. I think they are slipping, and the sign is a story that appeared in today’s issue about Matteo Renzi in Italy, about whom I have posted here previously.
The story reported that he is likely to finally nail down the leadership of the Democratic Party in Italy this Saturday over two rivals. It then praised him and compared him to Canada’s Trudeau and France’s Macron as a bright young guy all new and blah blah, even as it recognized that he stepped down in December as PM after losing a referendum he pushed. It said he has learned his lesson.
Now it did briefly recognize that he might have a problem in the general election next year as the opposition Five Star movement now has 50% support in the polls, although so what. The one thing that they mentioned as possibly causing problems for him would be the problems of Alitalia.
There was zero mention of the corruption problem of his father, zero. I note that over the last several weeks basically every day on the front pages of all the newspapers in Italy have been stories about this matter, and it has badly damaged Renzi in the polls. The Alitalia story is back pages. Heck, that airline is always in trouble, in “crisis.” Big nothing. But his old man being corrupt completely upends this story of him being the reformed young Trudeau-Macron. He has a serious problem, and it could be a serious problem for the EU next year, if Renzi cannot get this under control.
But the Fin Times somehow completely missed this story. I guess their reporter listened to some PR guy out of the Renzi camp and never bothered to check on the Italian press. I am sorry to learn that the FT has joined so many other newspapers in just going down the toilet of bad reporting.
Ciao you all.
Barkley Rosser
(Bruce, if that is your real name, please choose another nym for posting to AB, even if only to add an initial. Unfortunately for you there is a real Bruce Webb who has been a contributor and moderator for years and everyone would think this is me, or you are me, or —-. It doesn’t help that your e-mail address also looks fake. Signed the moderator BW)
Macron is a radical in the way he wants to scrap French Social Democracy instead streamlined with Nordic economics. He is also a pro-american anti-zionists of zionists who oppose America. This is what I mean, when people don’t get the current global politics right now. When people talk about the “global elite”, they are really talking about the WASP/American/Morgan,Israel and EU/Nordic side of the “global elite”. But the Putin/Israel/Rothschild “Eurasian” side of it is just as much the elite. The bullshit they call populism is far from it. It is nothing more than a scam from the anti-american “chic” bloc. If you see Israel twice, well get used to it. Follow Vlad’s “financiers” in Russia, it comes together for you. Brexit? British Elitists who think they can rebuild the empire with the Roths(I think they are nuts to consider it, but fond memories are a bitch of the 18/19th century, the gold standard). Immigration is just a wedge issue. Le Pen? She is the “French” establishment candidate. People scratch their head, going whaaaaaaaaaaaa? Donald Trump? Free Agent. He plays both sides. Pure and simple. May be developing Alzheimers, but his kids will pick up the slack. Rentier businessman that loves scamming the game with cronyism. Why do they whine about trade deals? Because they know some tariffs and duties are good for business. Take Trumps soft timber “tariff” which was a payoff for Charles Koch’s timber interests so he would then push the freedom crapcus to let through their crappy health care plan, so they can move onto tax cuts for the…………global elite.
If Italy wants change, they will support the Nordics rather than fighting them all the way to poverty. Their welfare system is just a lifestyle booster. It produces nothing, much like France’s.
There won’t be a true “white” populist movement until the national socialists return and Al Gore is ranting in a speech in Michigan that the white man’s endocrine system is being destroyed by fossil fuel pollution and we need a ecological(anti-Abrahamic) revolution. Then the game will be afoot.
Bruce after reading your piece i suggest seeing if “Bruce LaRouche” is available Has a nice sound effect and the theory is what you are delivering.
Yr Faithful Moderator BW