“One neat trick to stop Social Security ‘Reform'”

Republicans constantly try to bring Social Security into ongoing debates about ‘Balanced Budgets’. But they face a fundamental problem with their math. For a variety of reasons, some quite reasonable and others nakedly political (seniors vote) nearly every ‘Reform’ proposal out there promises to hold 55 and older harmless. Meaning you can’t have any more than miniscule effects on Cost projections until today’s 54’s and younger start retiring. Except for a handful of early retirees that event happens 11+ years in the future, which is to say outside the 10 year Budget Scoring window.

You can’t have a fix to a problem scored over 10 years with a solution starting Year 11. Sure the ‘Reformers’ will blather about “Infinite Future Horizons”. But any proposal that spares current seniors from cuts will score close to zero by CBO and JCT. You just have to count years on your fingers.