It is Ok to Attack a Democrat’s Military Service . . .
It is just not ok to attack a Republican’s Military Service
This Sunday, Jack Tapper on CNN “called Republicans who were outraged over attacks on Sen. John McCain’s war record to the table to explain themselves on past attacks on Democrats. Jack reminded the Republicans of their Swift Boat smear of then 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry’s military service. At the Republican National Convention, many Republicans were band aids with Purple Hearts on them to mock Kerry’s wounds during the Viet Nam war.
C&L reader Prometheus59650 added the names of Tammy Duckworth and Max Cleland, to the list of Democrat aligned veterans who suffered attacks on their military record or patriotism by Republicans.
If our present government had any morals McCain would have been required to resign long ago.
Not being court martialed is a very low bar for war hero. No POW held in Hanoi was court martialed! A neglectful act on the part of the US government.
Kerry was swift boated because he was a dem and he betrayed the military industry complex, becoming a DFH pointing out truth about Vietnam to the all powerful war monger class.
The differences to Trump’s betrayal of the military industry complex is Trump is a rich DFH and not a dem!
The GOP storm is reacting to a threat to the cult of perpetual war profiteering.