Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Abenomics pushing companies to higher wages… Get ’em

Well, it is about time for a higher authority to push strongly for higher wages. The Wall Street Journal has an article about the Bank of Japan’s Governor, Haruhiko Kuroda. Basically, companies need to use their increased profits and reserves to raise labor’s pay. If companies do not raise labor’s pay significantly, Abenomics will fail.

A Caution Concerning the Kooky Conservative Conjecture

There is definitely a meme in the progressive blogosphere that conservatives and liberals think differently. People try to be polite, but I don’t think I’m the only person who perceives it to be really about the hypothesis that conservatives are not capable of rational thought. One way of putting this is that “The Republican Brain” […]

Yglesias totally Nails National Review Online

You really do want to read this post by Matt Yglesias It is too good to excerpt, especially because the best part is the screen capture. There are many things one could say about this comparison, starting with the fact that unlike a proper caudillo such as Augusto Pinochet, Obama hasn’t had thousands of people […]

Incoherent and Incoherenter

I have comments on Brad DeLong’s question asked of Richard Koo. Re: Brad Delong which is Re: Richard Koo “I am not sure that I can ask this question coherently.” I think the question is plenty coherent. The post-script does a better job of capturing not your personal confusion but just how confusing […]

Why Congress Should Not Get Out of the Way of the Postal Service

Guest Post by Mark Jamison, retired Postmaster. News of Ron Johnson the Tea Party favorite from Wisconsin taking over as chair of the Senate committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs has caused an overwhelming sense of panic among progressives and postal workers. Johnson will control oversight of the Postal Service in the Senate. There […]

Racism or a Nation’s Reality ? ? ?

Crooks and Liars has a post up on it’s site here: Wingnut Cartoonist At Indy Star Gets His (Gary Varvel) Cartoon Yanked Claiming the cartoon was overtly racist, the Indianapolis Star eventually yanked it after initially removing the mustache off of the man coming through the window claiming the mustache created an image too ethic. […]

Failure to deflate: flat consumer prices only slightly help real wages, sales

– by New Deal democrat     (from Bonddad blog) Failure to deflate: flat consumer prices only slightly help real wages, sales Usually changes in the inflation rate are all about the price of gasoline.  Not in October.  Although gas prices fell -6.4% (compared with a decline of -5.0% a year ago), unlike one year ago […]

Does fixing a mistake make it worse?

Dan here…Sometimes I don’t know the questions to ask.  Here is a note on water…. by David Zetland  (from Aguanomics) Does fixing a mistake make it worse? EC writes from Florida: One of the big questions staring me in the face is… as we reach the limits of sustainable use without “significant harm” to the […]