Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Statistics and schools

Diane Ravitch in the NYT comments on the politician use of statistics to promote an educational policy and  program.  Of course there are several private figures promoting charter schools and pilot programs as well, and a well funded lobby for such.  I usually start with assuming it is a pitch…but not all records are public […]

The Hill – “GOP struggles to land punches at ObamaCare insurance hearing”

HT :Washinton Monthly, Ed Gilgore: “House GOPers Face to Face With Unfriendly Facts on Obamacare” Democratic lawmakers were emboldened to defend the Affordable Care Act with renewed vigor and levity, creating a dynamic rarely seen in the debate over ObamaCare. Adding to the irregularity, exits on the Republican side at a subcommittee hearing led by […]

Ah, federalism. Which is in the eye of the beholders. The beholders being Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts … and the Koch brothers.

(Correction appended.) (Clarence Thomas in his separate concurrence]* adds that in his view the First Amendment religion clauses don’t apply to the states in the first place. And it only probably bars the establishment of a national church—leaving open the question for another day. — Let Us Pray:The Supreme Court gives its blessing for prayer […]

Do take advantage of your brand new prayer opportunities. Along with your newly created job opportunities and all your new freedoms.

The most important turn in Monday’s Supreme Court ruling in Town of Greece v. Galloway—a case that probes the constitutionality of explicitly religious prayer in legislative sessions—isn’t that the courts no longer have a role in policing the Establishment Clause, or that pretty much any sectarian prayers can be offered at town meetings so long […]

What Are the Supreme Court Justices Hiding? A Lot.

The Supreme Court has long been criticized for its unwillingness to televise, or even record, its proceedings. But debate about transparency at the nation’s highest court should extend far beyond the issue of television cameras. Citizens deserve transparency from the court about how it decides which cases to hear, how justices decide whether to recuse […]

China upends the global economy…what does this mean?

Who wins, who loses? And which who are you? The complexities of the 1%, multinational companies and agendas, government goals and responses and treaties, the trade deficit (US) and surplus (China), and what is globalization mostly about? Looking for posts…write to my gmail account. source New York Times

Digby wins Hillman Prize

Heather Parton, aka the blogger many of us know and love as Digby, will on Tuesday be granted a prestigious honor. She’ll be receiving the 2014 Hillman Prize for Opinion and Analysis Journalism. The award is named after the great labor leader Sidney Hillman. (Via Washington Monthly….hat tip Run 75441)