Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Apple, Starbucks, Others Under EU Tax Investigation

No sooner do I comment on the difference between tax planning and tax avoidance than Richard Murphy points out that several multinational corporations are having their tax deals looked at for potential violations of the European Union’s state aid rules. As The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal report, there are three cases currently under […]

David Brat’s Golden Rule

Religious ethics rarely enter into mainstream economic theory, but they are topics that [economics professor cum Eric Cantor slayer David] Brat, who describes himself in his writing as a Calvinist, has turned to repeatedly. In a 2011 article, “God and Advanced Mammon — Can Theological Types Handle Usury and Capitalism?” published in a journal of […]

Who has the right to leaked water?

by David Zetland (re posted from Aguanomics) Who has the right to leaked water? SM sent this question a few months ago: My thesis is about conjunctive water use and the hydrologic externalities that arise from a change in water use (e.g., increased irrigation efficiency or canal lining). I am focusing in the canal seepage/lining […]

Is natural gas the next ethanol?

(Dan here) Ceres has published a recent report on growing corn for ethanol costs-relating to water use, where corn is grown, and why. The report includes the impact on global food prices. David Zetland at Aguanomics points us to a growing concern about the increasing use of natural gas (and fracking). Is natural gas the next […]

Tea Party Seizes House Financial Reins: and so Reigns

Quick take on how things are shaking out in House Leadership including Committees: Paul Ryan: from Budget to Ways and Means Tom Price: to Budget Jeb Hensarling: to Financial Services Hal Rogers: maintains House Appropriations Let’s just say that none of those guys seems like champions of the New Deal or likely members of any […]

Why Income Redistribution Doesn’t Hurt Growth

Mark Thoma at MoneyWatch points to : Why income redistribution doesn’t hurt growth, by Mark Thoma: Thomas Piketty’s book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” documents the increase in inequality in recent decades, and it has rekindled an old debate about the effects of income redistribution on economic growth. Until recently, most economists believed there’s a trade-off between […]