Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Attractor States in the Business Cycle… Sluggishness is due to low Labor Share not low Productive Capacity

This post has been updated! I just posted about the Silly Confusion over Potential GDP. The main idea of the post is that real GDP made a transition to a new normal level after the crisis. And patterns from past business cycles show that real GDP stays close to this new level. But then two […]

Greg Mankiw: as duteous to the vices of plutocracy as badness would require

by New Deal democrat at Bonddad blog   Re-posted with author’s permission. Greg Mankiw: as duteous to the vices of plutocracy as badness would require There is a drastic moral difference between those who write garbage analysis because they are mistaken, and those who write garbage analysis that is loathesome.  Greg Mankiw embarrasses Harvard with an […]

Consumption Income Wealth and Expectations

I learned a fact from Chris Dillow who went on to conjecture that “consumers -in aggregage – have genuine foresight” I agree that “confidence” is a non-explanation for fluctuations in consumer spending. Such fluctuations can, for the most part, be explained by observable economic variables such as incomes, unemployment and credit availability, as John Muellbauer, […]

Think Obamacare’s not working? Think again

Republicans seem obsessed with the idea that Obamacare is a failure; that it is a “train wreck” exacerbating unemployment. But is that really so? First of all, the claim that the Affordable Care Act is a job killer flies in the face of reality, as Dan Diamond at Forbes reports:  Since the law was signed […]

Cantor’s Defeat—What It Does Not Mean

Shocked by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s defeat in last week’s Virginia primary, many in the media have decided that this “earthquake” has re-shaped the political landscape. Immigration reform is dead, they say, and tea party radicals are far stronger than many suspected. Meanwhile, the alarmists warn, political polarization has divided the country, poisoning our […]


The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pacts, the increased desire to ‘invert’ ownership and headquarters by ‘American’ companies, TISA (published only by Wikileaks?), points us to a world managed by what organizations? Via Alternet comes a note in TISA, a trade agreement that tries to frame itself in the private/government rhetoric, but we need to […]

Crowd control drones

From the BBC comes a note on a crowd control drone:      South Africa-based Desert Wolf told the BBC it had secured the sale of 25 units to a mining company after showing off the tech at a trade show. It is marketing the device as a “riot control copter” that can tackle crowds […]