New series on Social Security: Angry Bear and Committee on Responsible Federal Budget

This post is simply a short note to let readers know that a series of posts and topical threads will be published over the next weeks by staff at the Committee on Responsible Federal Budget and contributors to Angry Bear blog and several outside authors in our network.

Marc Goldwein,  Policy Director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (see Wikipedia) and I have been trading e-mails discussing how to have a debate on one of the issues confronting us, namely the role of Social Security in the retirement process, how it is working at the moment, and what is projected over the next few decades .

Of necessity some posts must be ‘wonkish’ and arcane to the general reader, but such information needs explaining and interpreted as data and then secondarily as a ‘story’ is developed. The other part of the debate is the actual narrative of how we think about Social Security, the role of private and government programs, and of course the narrative on the nature of our federal budget, what is responsible, and what seems to work.

The first post by CRFB is a direct response to Dale Coberly’s post Setting the record straight on Social Security.  The following posts and topical threads are in the works.
