Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.


by Dale Coberly OH NOES! SOCIAL SECURITY IS BROKE AGAIN AND WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE! BECAUSE…  BECAUSE… BECAUSE WE’RE ALL GOING TO LIVE FOREVER A couple of public spirited citizens have taken some of their Own Time to warn us that Social Security is (taken from last January) “worse than you think.” They take […]

Say’s law fairy… “Build it and they will come.”

Paul Krugman, Dean Baker, Mark Thoma, (update: Jared Bernstein) and many others call for fiscal policy to boost employment and production. Their idea is to increase employment and labor’s power to bargain for better wages. The increased purchasing power of labor will resolve some problems with debt overhang too. There would be a snowball effect […]

Fed is behind the curve…

Tim Duy wrote in a post titled, Inflation, Wages and Policy… “The fact that wages are rising while unemployment remains high is probably something of a puzzle to them (the Fed), and lends credence to the stories that the labor market is currently affected by severe structural issues…” The explanation of wage growth uses structural […]

Why Will Healthcare Insurance be Cheaper in Florida with the PPACA???

The fact of the matter is; healthcare insurance will not be cheaper in some places. Why it will not be so in Florida, I will get into later. If you remember from 2010, the progressive state of Florida was the first to launch a suit in Federal court claiming the PPACA was unconstitutional. Eventually and […]

Sunday Reads

The 1% are Still Stealing Our Homes Hat Tip Crooks and Liars Diane Sweet Following the bank’s instructions, Laura and her partner missed three months of their mortgage payments to qualify for a loan modification. But instead of working with the family, Bank of America put the home in foreclosure, using the highly controversial process […]

What to Do When a High-Profile U.Chicago Economist Says the Airline, Telephone and Package-Shipping Industries Prohibit Use by Preexisting Flyers, Callers and Shippers: If you’re a liberal, take this ball and run with it!

There’s no question that the Affordable Care Act’s rollout has been “rocky,” to borrow the common parlance of the Beltway. The Web site troubles and shifting health coverage for some Americans, despite over-assurances from President Obama during the 2010 political debate, have naturally turned off some people. A much-ballyhooed poll from CNN yesterday shows that […]

Krugman is dancing around a root cause… labor share

Paul Krugman is developing the ideas to understand one of the root causes of the economic problems. His present line of logic leads to understanding the effective demand constraint upon output. He writes… “Profits took a hit during the financial crisis, but have soared since then, and are now 60 percent above pre-crisis levels; meanwhile […]