Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Time to get God out of taxes

by Linda Beale Time to get God out of taxes Chris Bergin over at Tax Analysts has a good point about the exclusion from income for the rental value of the minister’s residence–it makes no sense and has no place in the tax code.  See Bergin, What we need is a Godless tax code, Tax […]

Was the cause of the 1960 recession psychological? and now?

What caused the recession of 1960? Here is an answer given at “The recession of 1960-1961 was mainly due to the high inflation, high unemployment rates, and a bad gross national product rating. This recession lasted for 10 months and resulted in the second longest economic expansion in U.S. history. During Kennedy’s 1960 presidential […]

“Labor Day Report: Michigan’s Paycheck Blues”

Each year the Michigan League for Public Policy issues a Labor Day report on the status of Labor with in the state. This year the outcome for Michigan Labor is no better than in previous years. 90% of Michigan Labor finds themselves making less and a further deterioration in earning power. The upper 10% of […]

Swiss and US Apparently Reach Deal on Bank Disclosures related to Tax Evasion

by Linda Beale Swiss and US Apparently Reach Deal on Bank Disclosures related to Tax Evasion Bloomberg reports (in a minimal news story at this point based on an anonymous tip prior to the settlement being officially released) that the United States and Switzerland have reached an agreement that settles the dispute about Americans’ use […]

Same-Sex Married Couples Will be Recognized for Federal Tax Purposes Even When Moving to Nonrecognition State

by Linda Beale Same-Sex Married Couples Will be Recognized for Federal Tax Purposes Even When Moving to Nonrecognition State The Treasury issued a Revenue Ruling today that sets out the rules that will guide the government in handling interpretation of the tax code regarding “marriage” and “husband” or “wife” or “spouse” in respect of same-sex […]

The Consumption rate from Capital Income (Labor Day special)

In honor of LABOR DAY… Yesterday, I posted a graph showing the percentage of capital income that is used for consumption. It is a new graph being developed. Since yesterday, I have gone back and changed just one number that determines the consumption rate of capital income. I replaced the number for “net government saving”, […]