John Brennan hearings

Jake at Polymic points us to news today:

John Brennan gets interrogated. President Obama’s nominee for head of the CIA will face the Senate at 2:30 p.m. today for his confirmation hearing. Brennan has come under criticism for supporting torture while serving in the Bush administration, and his support for drone strikes as President Obama’s counter-terrorism advisor.

Five questions for Brennan. Washington Post’s Greg Sargent outlines the questions Congress should grill Brennan on related to his support for targeted killings.

Obama to release legal rationale for drone strikes. In advance of Brennan’s hearing, President Obama has ordered that the 50-page White House legal rationale for killing U.S. citizens with armed drones be given to the Senate intelligence committee. The White House is hoping this move will defuse some of the tension at Brennan’s hearing.