Bill McBride, Krugman, and Business Insider

Congratulations Bill.

Joe Weisenthal at Business Insider offers some hyperbole in The Genius Who Invented Economics Blogging Reveals How He Got Everything Right And What’s Coming Next, but also offers well deserved praise for Bill McBride and Calculated Risk.  Paul Krugman in the NYT posts  All Hail Calculated Risk and praises Bill’s work as well.

Bill has a gift for telling an evolving story in graph form that readers can follow over time, such as this one on jobs, and picking data that has held up over time as well as being useful. (Economist Spencer England praises Bill’s data in our own Employment Situation Reports this year)

As Bill makes clear on his website, Tanta was an important part of Calculated Risk beginnings. (See Ken Houghton’s note here).

With unabashed enthusiasm I am happy to highlite that Bill was a Bear until moving to his own site full time in late 2005.

Here are some Angry Bear  links posted by CR  from those times.  A bit of fun to color this post with some reflected glory.

A Regulatory Substitute to Burst Housing Bubble? ,  When will housing slowdown

Housing update ,   Housing and recession ,  After the housing boom impact on the economy