More Wilder on Europe today
by Rebecca Wilder
I present some basic statistics to highlight the problem in Europe. In short, there exists a deleterious positive feedback loop between overly leveraged banks and their sovereigns in key markets.
Exhibit 1: European Banks are overly levered. Spanning 2006 through the latest data point, key European banking systems – France, Germany, and Italy – increased leverage.
The chart above illustrates the ratio of bank assets to capital (see the IMF’s Financial Soundness Indicators for the data and description of ‘capital’). The countries are ranked by largest % drop in bank leverage spanning the period 2006 to current (Greece, Austria, and Belgium) to the largest % surge in leverage spanning the same period (France, Italy, and the UK). Note: the 2006 data is taken from the 2007 IMF Global Financial Stability Report.
The level of leverage is not strictly comparable across countries due to differences in national accounting, taxation, and supervisory regimes. However, while the US banks have delevered over the period, the big European banks – Germany, Italy, and France – have increased leverage. Assets need to be written down.
Exhibit 2. While leverage is too high, asset quality is dropping. The banks are increasing exposure to government loans and securities relative to traditional loans.
The chart illustrates the nominal stock of loans held on the bank balance sheets of the Monetary Financial Institutions in Europe. The data are from the ECB. Loans to governments and holdings of government securities are increasing more swiftly than traditional lending.
Exhibit 3. The asset quality of that rising stock of loans to the government sector is deteriorating…quickly. Italian and Spanish 10yr bonds are 1.5% and 1.2% higher, respectively, since the beginning of 2010, while German 10-yr yields are 1.5% lower.
The chart illustrates the 10-yr bonds across the euro area bond markets. The latest data point (today around 12pm) is listed in the legend.
Bond investors are clearly differentiating between the riskier bonds – Spain, Portugal, and Belgium – from the ‘core’ – Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Finland, and yes, France. Whether or not bond markets are right to regard Finland or France as ‘core’ is a different matter entirely. But the point is clear: bond markets are in crisis mode, and there’s a stark segmentation in yields across the region.
Cross border exposure dictates that some of these highly levered banking systems are exposed to the same government securities currently trading at distressed levels. A case in point is France with outsized exposure to Italy and Greece (see Table 9B). This is a helpful graphic by Thomson Reuters .
Rebecca Wilder originally at Newsneconomics
The essential idea is for the banking giants to eventually be able to dictate and even micro manage fiscal policy. As well as to unlock any and all assets held in the commons thought to be worth capitalizing and buy them. It is going to take years more to achieve but we will get there eventually. The trickiest part as always been now to bankrupt national treasury’s and not bankrupt themselves. That is the thing being played out now. In the end central banks are going to have to eat the bad paper. That will be easier than one thinks as few if any politicians or citizens have a clue what a balance sheet is or that central banks have them. Who does really care if a central bank writes trillions of assets off their balance sheet? So what. There is not 1 person in 100,000 in America who knows that the Feds ‘printed’ money is used to pay for an asset, and they don’t care. All they want is the money. Money has no relation in peoples minds to the most core concept underlying our fiat system. (fiat not used as a pejorative) So central banks will buy all the bad assets from the banks, eat them over periods of years and the banks can go back to doing what they always have, except to demand a steep premium or refuse to lend to soverigns.
If I were looking at this chart, and considering that French banks are “marking-to-model” for Greek loans, I would quickly realise that the biggest crisis point isn’t the place with no taxation, or even the place where the government foolishly guaranteed to pay all of its banks’s debts, but rather CarlaBruniville.
If I were a cynic, I would say that the cheese-eating surrender monkeys (as Bill Keller calls the country that suffered the most in The War to End All Wars) believed the Jerrys–er, German government’s–hype about how loans would do the trick and they would just have to split the assets with the Wehrmacht–er, German government–if something went wrong, and neglected to check if they were going in as equal partners.