At the link below is a musical tribute to Pi and those of you who actually possess mathematical ability as opposed to us lowly Professional English Majors. Mazel and all that. NancyO
Wait a minute! What is this truncated ‘Pi’ thing? I knew it, the working class gets 3.14159265% of the pie and the MOTU get the rest!
I tell ya when we get New Deal 3.0 we are just going to redefine Pi as 5.0 so we workers can get our fair share! (Well it worked for the Indiana Legislature
Why, it never occurred to me that the MOTU had the better of us yet again in shorting us on the value of Pi! I just thought it was one of those profundities I, as a mere liberal arts kinda person, couldn’t possibly comprehend. Bring on the New Deal 3.0 toute suite! I wants my Pi back! NancyO 😎
I think Indiana got it right going to 3 rather than 5. Makes New Deal 3 easier to remember for one thing.
However, the 3 will be split 50-50 between the Dept. of Health Education and Welfare, and doing a preemptive bailout of GM. Goldman Sachs keeps the rounding error for handling the transaction.
HEW will use their proceeds to make math work properly in our school system.
GM will redesign the Tire so the round kind from China don’t fit anymore. The next, much bigger, challenge is to redesign the nut and bolt. Think involutes. Stephen Hawking is awarded the preliminary study. Hawking suggests a few changes to the metric system.
Goldman Sachs makes a takeover offer for Sara Lee when one of their quants determines you can make pies with less mass, but the box stays the same size and the calorie count decreases.
The metal band “A Perfect Circle” never existed, Wiki deletes their web page and no one notices.
For some reason movies now fit your big screen TV perfectly, but no one can explain why.
Conservative Republicans call this all a bunch of nonsense and fillibuster hard to block similar legislation from being passed in Congress. Liberal Dems wring their hands over the New Deal being killed a third time…and propose New Deal 4……then our TVs stop working again.
Whoah this is spooky. Just after I read this my housemate rolled in and asked in I wanted slice of homemade pumpkin pie. I told him I needed two, one for me and one for my alter ego. Hence; (prolly not up to the standards of either of Mrs. R’s recipes, but I take what I can get.) My slice is on the right, Cal Bears not being much into delayed gratification.
Okay I lied on the last thread. I am not really the ugliest cat in the world (with or without a half shredded left ear), I am in fact a fairly handsome California at Berkeley Golden Bear (with a coat of our other color of Gold and Blue). And yes that is the dKos wall paper you see in the background.
Jeez, Cedric. I didn’t know it was that bad! Look out, y’all–I’m hauling it outta here to the Okefenokee where the worst that kin happen is I’ll get snake-bit. The gators are really quiet this time of year cause it’s so cold they have enough to do to just stay alive. So, swamp explorin’ anyone? NancyO
You should be a little bit worried. Neal Stephenson just wrote a more or less sci-fi novel, Anathem, where the principle religion is based on The Triangle. Their version of the Ten Commandments is a list of trig functions.
The novel documents life on an Earth Like planet populated by seemingly humanoid lifeforms. I won’t spoil the ending and say which planet it is, but sh*t happens in the space-time continuum.
The story is told from the viewpoint of the monks of the Triangle Religion, and they have taken it upon themselves to preserve scientific and mathematikal knowledge of this world thru the ages in their global network of monasteries. Around them the rest of civilization goes thru long term cycles of advancement, then they invariably blow themselves back to the stone age.
Un-bear-ably cute.
Merry Christmas . . .
thanks Dan. Merry Christmas. the picture looks just like Christmas at our house.
At the link below is a musical tribute to Pi and those of you who actually possess mathematical ability as opposed to us lowly Professional English Majors. Mazel and all that. NancyO
Hmm Pie!
Wait a minute! What is this truncated ‘Pi’ thing? I knew it, the working class gets 3.14159265% of the pie and the MOTU get the rest!
I tell ya when we get New Deal 3.0 we are just going to redefine Pi as 5.0 so we workers can get our fair share! (Well it worked for the Indiana Legislature
Why, it never occurred to me that the MOTU had the better of us yet again in shorting us on the value of Pi! I just thought it was one of those profundities I, as a mere liberal arts kinda person, couldn’t possibly comprehend. Bring on the New Deal 3.0 toute suite! I wants my Pi back! NancyO 😎
Best to all of the Bears.
Mrs. R. couldn’t remember which pumpkin pie recipe she liked best, so she made one of each. So much for the diet.
I think Indiana got it right going to 3 rather than 5. Makes New Deal 3 easier to remember for one thing.
However, the 3 will be split 50-50 between the Dept. of Health Education and Welfare, and doing a preemptive bailout of GM. Goldman Sachs keeps the rounding error for handling the transaction.
HEW will use their proceeds to make math work properly in our school system.
GM will redesign the Tire so the round kind from China don’t fit anymore. The next, much bigger, challenge is to redesign the nut and bolt. Think involutes. Stephen Hawking is awarded the preliminary study. Hawking suggests a few changes to the metric system.
Goldman Sachs makes a takeover offer for Sara Lee when one of their quants determines you can make pies with less mass, but the box stays the same size and the calorie count decreases.
The metal band “A Perfect Circle” never existed, Wiki deletes their web page and no one notices.
For some reason movies now fit your big screen TV perfectly, but no one can explain why.
Conservative Republicans call this all a bunch of nonsense and fillibuster hard to block similar legislation from being passed in Congress. Liberal Dems wring their hands over the New Deal being killed a third time…and propose New Deal 4……then our TVs stop working again.
Whoah this is spooky. Just after I read this my housemate rolled in and asked in I wanted slice of homemade pumpkin pie. I told him I needed two, one for me and one for my alter ego. Hence; (prolly not up to the standards of either of Mrs. R’s recipes, but I take what I can get.) My slice is on the right, Cal Bears not being much into delayed gratification.
Okay I lied on the last thread. I am not really the ugliest cat in the world (with or without a half shredded left ear), I am in fact a fairly handsome California at Berkeley Golden Bear (with a coat of our other color of Gold and Blue). And yes that is the dKos wall paper you see in the background.
dKos? Got another project on my mind. I meant Angry Bear.
Jeez, Cedric. I didn’t know it was that bad! Look out, y’all–I’m hauling it outta here to the Okefenokee where the worst that kin happen is I’ll get snake-bit. The gators are really quiet this time of year cause it’s so cold they have enough to do to just stay alive. So, swamp explorin’ anyone? NancyO
Looks to me like somody has had too much Polar Expresso!
You should be a little bit worried. Neal Stephenson just wrote a more or less sci-fi novel, Anathem, where the principle religion is based on The Triangle. Their version of the Ten Commandments is a list of trig functions.
The novel documents life on an Earth Like planet populated by seemingly humanoid lifeforms. I won’t spoil the ending and say which planet it is, but sh*t happens in the space-time continuum.
The story is told from the viewpoint of the monks of the Triangle Religion, and they have taken it upon themselves to preserve scientific and mathematikal knowledge of this world thru the ages in their global network of monasteries. Around them the rest of civilization goes thru long term cycles of advancement, then they invariably blow themselves back to the stone age.
Triangles, and circles, are serious stuff.
And here I was just trying to save the New Deal. but from the replies I got I can see I should have been trying to save fifth grade arithmetic.