Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Pro DeLong Contra Say

Robert Waldmann In this post below , I note that I find Brad DeLong’s analogy between the bubble, the housing bubble and the stimulus plan unconvincing. The post is poorly written, but the point is that in fresh water models rapid technological progress is very different from a demand shock, and, so, if one […]

Bernard Madoff Sentence

By Spencer Madoff is awaiting sentencing. It is a reasonable trade-off, 30 to 40 years of life as a multi-billionaire for spending the last 10-15 years of your life in a federal prison. Maybe what the Judge should do is not than sentence him to federal prison.. Rather what he should tell Madoff is that […]


By Spencer, It is interesting how today’s report on nominal retail sales is being ignored almost across the board among the economic bloggers. January and February retail sales are above the December low. The three month moving average is still below the December moving average, but if the March report is decent the very low […]

Pro Say Contra DeLong

Robert Waldmann In fact, I agree with DeLong and don’t even have a clear idea who Say was (don’t know his first name do know he wrote before Ricardo). In standard economist speak Say’s law states that output can’t be below the quantity that people want to supply given wages and prices, that aggregate demand […]

Physician Office IT

by Rusty and cross posted from Health Care Think Tank Latest in Physician Office IT Who will lead the charge to install IT in physician offices? Sam’s Club and Dell. Huh? Sam’s Club will partner with Dell and eClinicWorks for software, hardware, training and maintenance. No joke. The system will integrate patient appointments and billing […]

Who gets to define what Social Security ‘crisis’ is?

by Bruce Webb The following three Tables are copied from the Liebman-MacGuineas-Samwick Non-Partisan Social Security Reform Plan to make a couple of points. One is that the plan authors are just not that into you, that is if you are a wage worker seeking a more comfortable retirement. They see crisis from a much different […]

Its a Filthy Putrescent Job But Someone’s Got To Do It

This is a *demand side* argument in favor of Fama’s claim that deficit spending crowds out private spending one for one. My earlier effort was to argue that the aggregate supply curve can be vertical (real aggregate supply is not affected by nominal aggregate dmeand) even when there is involuntary unemployment. I think I get […]

Market Insanity

OK It’s Hopeless. Capitalism can’t be saved from investor idiocy Wall Street rallied on Tuesday with the kind of gusto that can only come from the starving. Citigroup (nyse: C – news – people ) Chief Executive Vikram Pandit released a memo on Tuesday saying that the bank had been profitable in the first two […]