Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The AIG Bonuses… A Letter to Our Leaders

by cactus The AIG Bonuses… A Letter to Our Leaders Back when the TARP was being passed, I noted among other things that a) it wouldn’t work, b) it would be gamed, and c) it would just serve to further enrich the same clowns who got us into this. I further suggested the obvious solution […]

Bleg: James Tobin and Paying for the Viet Nam War

In Conversations with Economists (h/t Kevin Quinn at Econospeak), James Tobin refers to LBJ having made “a mistake” in “raising taxes to pay for the Viet Nam War.” Google Desktop can’t find the line of reasoning behind that in any of Tobin’s papers that have survived my migrating possibly-non-OCR PDFs over about six computers. Anyone […]

Manufacturing Productivity

By Spencer In the industrial production report this morning February manufacturing output was reported to drop 0.8%. On the surface this looks bearish. But hours worked in manufacturing also fell 2.0% in February. Consequently, manufacturing productivity rose 1.2% in February. The smoothed three month growth rate of estimated productivity is 0.1% and the year over […]

Income Distribution, Infant Mortality, and Health Care Expenditure

Tilman Tacke & Robert J. Waldmann Do health outcomes not only depend on an individual’s absolute level of income, but also on their relative income position within a society? We use infant mortality as a heath status indicator and find a significant and positive link between infant mortality and income inequality using cross-national data for […]

Baseline Scenario says trade policy next for public scrutiny…finally

rdan Baseline Scenario adds their thoughts to the trade policy debate: A fundamental principle that we all hold dear is: in industrialized countries, with relatively high income levels, the government can’t be completely out to lunch. After all, we reason, there are democratic processes, watchdogs of various kinds, and we can safely delegate monitoring of […]

Low Cost & the 100/100 Plan Revisted

by Bruce Webb 1997 II.F62007 II.D7Each year the Trustees of Social Security provide a graphic representation of the results of the three alternative projections: Low Cost, Intermediate Cost, and High Cost represented by results I, II, III respectively. And the overall shape of the graph didn’t vary much from 1997 to 2007 (other selected years […]

Why Tranche ?

Robert Waldmann playing faux naif again (except it’s not faux). What is the point of bundling securities into a special purpose entity and issuing debt tranches with various levels of seniority and issuing (or keeping) an equity tranche which doesn’t promise a fixed payment ? This was a very profitable operation until recently. How could […]

No Pi for You!

I promise to try posting more this weekend, but this one is just too good to pass up. Since most people don’t know it beyond three to six digits, today, 14 March (14.03)—er, oops, March 14 (3.14)—has been officially designated “Pi Day.” Ten Republicans voted against the (purely symbolic) designation: Chaffetz Flake Heller Johnson (IL) […]

RIlands Governor, Stimulus money means Trickle Down policy

by Divorced one like Bush So you have been reading about the southern GOP’ers that are refusing parts of the stimulus money. Something about being true to their crede. Well, we here in RIland have a GOP governor who is doing one better. He want the money! The problem is in how he plans to […]