Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Putting the ‘no’ in innovation?

by cactus The inimitable TBogg sums up one of the big arguments against having the gubmint involved in healthcare: Because, when it’s on the governments tab, innovation dries up, which might explain why our military men and women are currently fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan with pointy sticks and small but sharp-edged pebbles. A few […]

Justin Fox’s new book: ‘Myth of the Rational Market’

by Bruce Webb Over at TPM Justin Fox is launching a discussion of his new book The Myth of the Rational Market: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street which feeds right into some discussions we have had here at Angry Bear. So I propose to give his set-up here and then […]

Second Best Second Stimulus

Robert Waldmann It sure looks like the US economy would benefit from a second stimulus. However, it also looks clear that congress will not pass an optimal second stimulus. Getting my thoughts on economics and politics from a philosophy major, I note that Matthew Yglesias notes that it would be very hard for congress to […]

Seymour Martin Hersh

Robert Waldmann There is something which I genuinely don’t understand about US journalism. Why don’t US journalists cite Seymour Hersh more ? I have never heard anyone rank him as an investigative journalist lower than number one, yet his stories vanish for months or years until someone else reports them. For example, yesterday the Wall […]

The Fed and pumping money into the economy

by cactus We all know the Fed has been pumping money galore into the economy lately. It makes sense, after all – the economy sucks right now and will for the foreseeable near future. Even if the NBER concludes in a few months that the Great Recession ended in the first half of the year, […]

Battle of the (Senate) Titans

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt Battle of the (Senate) Titans Senators Kennedy (Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee) and Senator Dodd (Kennedy’s wingman while he fights cancer) are seemingly lined up as opposition forces to Senator Baucus (Chairman, Senate Finance Committee ) on some aspects of health care reform legislation. Various […]

by Linda Beale This is one of those weeks when almost everything has a tax angle. Let’s survey. Michael Jackson’s funeral Should taxpayers have to foot the bill for the extra security surrounding celebrity memorial services? Does an estate get to deduct the costs of gala receptions connected with a memorial as part of the […]

Nails: The 2012 Republican candidate for President?

From Lenny Dyksytra’s letter to friends about his bankruptcy filing yesterday: William McKinley filed for protection while serving as Ohio’s governor in 1893. He was in debt to the tune of $130,000 (an insurmountable sum in those days!) before some friends eventually helped to bail him out. Three years later, he occupied a desk in […]

Reversed Psychology: Tax Cuts and Work

by Bruce Webb In comments to his last post A Response to Megan McArdle, Again Cactus put the following up as a summary of the Economic Right’s approach to tax cuts:1. tax cuts mean people are encouraged to work harder 2. people work harder 3, growth Another version of this was posted, without apparent irony, […]

Morgan Stanley Plans to Turn Downgraded Loan CDO Into AAA Bonds

by divorced one like Bush Well, well, well, seems our Robert will have some more thinking to do. Via C & L to Radamisto who want’s to know if we have ADD or what comes the Bloomberg story that the money from money machine is being restarted. Morgan Stanley plans to repackage a downgraded collateralized […]