Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Partisan is as partisan does – reflections on writing a book

by cactus The other day I had a post about a book I’m co-authoring; the book is slated to come out in the spring. As I noted then, the book looks at at how a large number of variables – everything from abortion rates to economic growth, evolved over the length of each presidential administration […]

National manufacturing policy

rdan WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), chairman of the U.S. Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy, will conduct a hearing tomorrow on how best to establish a national manufacturing policy. Brown is a leading advocate in Congress for a manufacturing policy to strengthen the industry and ensure its future global competitiveness. Brown’s […]

Progress Report on my book

by cactus Progress Report, and a Plea For Help Regular readers may recall that together with a co-author, I’ve been writing a book. The topic should be familiar to the coterie of merry madmen/madwoman who lurk at the blog as writers or readers or both: we look at how a large number of variables – […]

The Critique of the Golgotha Program

Robert Waldmann on Karl Marx, Arthur Laffer and Simon Peter. Which one here is not like the others, because he was a lunatic extremist egalitarian not an ambitious sophist ? Marx famously declared “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” This is quite probably the grossest distortion of a quote […]

Medical Innovation in the USA

Robert Waldmann Kevin Drum writes Conor Friedersdorf has three reasons he doesn’t think he’ll be able to support any of the progressive healthcare reforms currently on tap. Argument #3: I keep seeing the argument that America is the leading health care innovator, and that if our system looks more like what Europe has, there won’t […]

House Tri-Committee Health Care Bill w/CBO Prelim Analysis

by Bruce Webb House Education and Labor:: America’s Affordable Health Choices Act all links from the Committee web page. Summary Bill Text (1.7 MB PDF) CBO-Preliminary Analysis: Tri-Committee Health Care Bill Compare to the tables scoring the Senate HELP Bill Kennedy-Dodd Bill with CBO Scoring House Tri-Committee: Ten year addition to budget $1.082 trillion. Total […]

DeLong, Thoma, Rodrik et al. Do Good

To often, we talk about models as if they are reality, instead of reflecting a reality that was approximated. At least forty economists, including at least three ‘Nobel’ Prize winners, know that: A rising tide lifts all boats only when labor and management bargain on relatively equal terms.

CIA, TIA & RBC: Who was watching?

by Bruce Webb The MSM and the blogosphere alike are ablaze with speculation about exactly what secret program the CIA kept concealed for eight years. Assasination squad targetted at al-Qaeda? Well since we have been firing Hellfire missiles from Predators whenever we suspect the presense of high level al-Qaeda for years now that news would […]