Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

G-20 to talk about ‘exit strategies’…

Rebecca Wilder With the developed and developing economies printing money like it’s going out of style, the exit strategy – i.e., taking back the hundred percent increase in the monetary base (at least in the US) – is rumored to be the topic du jour at the G-20 summit later this month. According to Reuters, […]

Libertarian position…a query

by cactus As I understand it, the Libertarian position is that for the most part, if an entity (a person, a company, or a corporation) wants to do something with property it owns, it should generally be allowed to do so. I don’t want to be arguing with a strawman, so if I have an […]

Health Care Hardball II

Robert Waldmann (who deeply respects our nations senior citizens) has probably written this post already but he forgot. I had a concern about the proposal to split health care in the Senate into 2 bills one to be passed as budget reconciliation (the 50 votes bill) and one not about the budget (the 60 votes […]

Gang of Six, Regular Order & the Johnson Treatment

LBJ and Senator Green of RI c.NYTby Bruce Webb Now that Grassley and Enzi have shown where the wind was actually blowing on the ‘bi-partisan’ ‘compromise’ supposedly being worked out by the Senate Finance Committee’s Gang of Six it is time to hit the reset button and in the process clear up some confusion. Generally […]

Not all of Europe is in free-fall

Rebecca Wilder Poland: the bull of eastern and central Europe. While most of central and eastern Europe are either defending exchange rate pegs – this limits the ability to stimulate the economy through monetary policy – and/or running large current account deficits (see chart 2 here), Poland grew a remarkable 1.1% in the second quarter […]

"Encouraging Veterans to Commit Suicide"

by reader run “Encouraging Veterans to Commit Suicide” Appearing on Fox News “Fox and Friends” in an effort to mislead the elderly, disabled, and veterans; the GOP’s chief spin-meister Michael Steel declares healthcare reform would result in the same bad public policy as shown in a 1997 VA manual encouraging veterans to commit suicide. The […]


Marvel character RevancheHmmmm…guess not. rdan A reader was wondering about our loyal following of “conservative” commenters. That neo-conservatism was not conservativism was suggested in comments to a post on PNAC (Bruce Webb) by a reader objecting to the perceived characterization. Link to interview on NPR with author Sam Tanenhaus. In his latest book, The Death […]

$295 Million Would Buy A Lot of T-Shirts

Ken Houghton notes that the first thing anyone learns from Pietra Rivoli’s The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy: An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade is how pernicious the U.S. subsidy of its cotton industry is.* Now the WTO has discovered the obvious: American goods will face [$294.7] […]

Clean Coal and Cap and Trade

Robert Waldmann Joe Strawman argues that the solution to global warming is clean coal technology and in particular sequestering C02 from exhaust from coal fired power plants. Therefore cap and trade is a bad policy, because technology will solve anything soon. In fact, if “clean coal” is not a contradiction in terms, the case for […]