Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

PEW Trust summary report on regulatory models

rdan The PEW economic policy department task force report suggests we take a better look at other models of regulation, perhaps to Australia. In this short paper we look at the structure of international financial regulation in teh context of their response to the crisis in order to see what lessons there may be for […]

OCC non-regulation keeps momentum going for Citi bank

rdan Seeking Alpha’s Matthew Goldstein notes that the OCC is continuing the last decade of regulatory non-action. The OCC, in its quarterly derivatives report, routinely notes that the Big Four “have the resources needed to be able to operate this business in a safe and sound manner.” In other words, the biggest banks are best […]

Incentives for Rating Agencies

Robert Waldmann It would be easy to pass a law that issuers of securities aren’t allowed to pay ratings agencies. One problem is that if purchasers of securities paid for ratings, the ratings would have to be their secret at least for a while. One might add a provision that ratings be made public after […]

Texas is Not in a Recession, but it’s Bottoming Out

Rick Perry famously declared that there was no recession in Texas, even though the only way they balanced the budget was through emergency funding. Rick Perry and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas appear not to talk with each other: Texas factory activity showed the first signs of bottoming out in September, according to the […]

How malpractice drives health care costs

by Tom aka Rusty Rustbelt How malpractice drives health care costs. This is a bullet point narrative, representing a long time line, but illustrates what happens to drive health care costs: Emergency physicians use x-rays to diagnose closed-head injuries and miss brain bleeds. The hospital and physicians are threatened or sued for malpractice. Word circulates […]

Darwin Strauss and Popper

Robert Waldmann Neoconservatives have expressed sympathy for “intelligent design theory,” that is, creationism. This is well documented by Ronald Bailey’s article in “Reason on line.” Bailey discusses why neoconservatives might claim they don’t believe in evolution by natural selection even though there is no scientific basis for that view. update: link corrected thanks to VtCodger […]

Radley Balko: Optimist, not Libertarian?

Manufacturing evidence is apparently legal for prosecutors who then prosecute the case. This, at least, is the argument a couple of crooked prosecutors are making. Radley Balko is more optimistic than I am about prosecutors: If the Supreme Court…would essentially overturn Buckley and give prosecutors complete immunity, even when they conspire to convict an innocent […]

Last week on a floating buffet

by cactus I spent last week on a floating buffet. I had never been on a cruise before, and I was pleasantly surprised. The service was amazing, though I’m not sure having someone make the beds twice a day isn’t overkill. The food, in general, was quite good. Even the buffet had great fare, though […]

How to target the poor?

rdan Several other conferences are happening elsewhere in the world, but with less fanfare than in Pittsburgh, both in media coverage and police activity. We do forget the ‘smaller’ issues of distibution of goods, so here is a reminder. How to target the poor? How can governments and aid agencies target the poorest? Some use […]

Honest elections on a continuum

rdan Chris Blattman has an interesting note reminding us of how US elections were done and offers a little consolation about elections in Afghanistan.