Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.


By Spencer. I recently ran across an interesting example of how looking at an economic series from different perspectives creates very different conclusions. The original demand collapse at the start of this recession created an inventory problem across virtually all sectors of the goods economy. We now seen to be in a position where the […]

Square footage per capita per house is a useful metric?

rdan Square footage or even volume Per Capita/house is a measurement of what? Taking part in the comment conversation on a couple of posts I have written led me to consider the way we think about home size. Typically, as one reader complained, homes are merely judged by their square footage and disregard the number […]

Privitized war continues…when will Micrsoft not need the US?

rdan Micahel Winship in Perspective asks: And remember Halliburton, the international energy services company of which Cheney used to be the CEO? After the fall of Baghdad, Halliburton and its then-subsidiary KBR were the happy recipients of billions of dollars in outside contracts to take care of the military and rebuild Iraq’s petroleum industry. Waste, […]

Buyers and Salespeople

lifted from comments, written by reader Jack Tom said: “Some of the reported sales methods sound like they’re somewhere between ‘bullshit promises’ and mild deception. Then again, it’s car dealers on the other end of the transactions.” “I probably shouldn’t underestimate Congress’s inclination to protect those undeserving of protection, but remember these are car salesmen, […]

star war fantasy drill

by reader ilsm A lot of debate going on about the 2010 defense budget in general and the national missile defense programs in specific. The administration is cutting the star war fantasy drill by $1.6B from what some think was needed. I found a quote Center for Defense information from a Lt Gen Campbell: “On […]

Healthcare debate begins nationally

rdan Bears will be tackling different aspects of the debate, one of which is the Mass Health Plan (watching Kennedy’s office) and other states. Basic plans and costs, decreasing the numbers of uninsured, dealing with the cost structures and power centers in the state, quality of care and such will be examined. Below is one […]

Watch What I Do…..

This is my first official posting on Angry Bear. Let me start with a “thanks and delighted to be here.” I look forward to a productive interchange and expansion of the work I have been doing through ataxingmatter, my blog on tax and economic issues. I will continue to maintain the tax blog, and post […]

It Looks Like a Great House. Why Does the Basement Always Flood?

Come on, guys, somebody take it to the Next Step. Matt Y comes closer than anyone else to getting to the truth of the problem with Macroeconomics. Following Justin FoxSteven Levitt’s summary, Matt asks the next question: So why should it be that “in the current regime, if [macro models] are not meticulously constructed from […]

The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd

There is a brilliant moment in the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Giles explains to Willow that his problem with computers is “their smell.” She replies, roughly, “But they have no smell.” “Exactly. And smell is one of the most important senses there is.” Apparently, with a hat tip to The New […]