Undercover in Burma


Undercover in Burma
by Michael Perelman

My former student, Ryan Libre, snuck into Burma to meet with the Kachin Independence Army.

He is one of my favorite students, even though he has a long-standing incomplete in one of my classes.

Our local weekly has a short story about his work.


I had to simply smile at this…the juxtaposition of an educationally demanded obligation and the enthusiasm and grit of his student. In an existential sort of way I am glad the incomplete has not been changed to a zero in the long standing department.

Perhaps Ryan can recieve the credit when the University grants him his honorary degree for accomplishments in the real world. I can’t see much money in such things.

Update: (links by MG) rdan here: Look for the jade mines (juan) and the danger the gas pipelines represent to these people (MG).

About me
Ryan Libre
Published work
Pulitzer Center
Youtube feature
Alert net
Tim Patterson’s blog…Kachin photos on BBC