Best Unintended Line Today

I guess we should not be surprised that the National Review is expressing jingoist noises, but I found Andrew McCarthy’s It’s War, or Isn’t It interesting on a couple of levels. One is that most of us in this nation and in Europe have realized there is a war against Al Qaeda since September 11, 2001. And yet, he suggests we need a reminder. Some of the jingoism comes from Fox News, which seems to have forgotten about the Madrid bombings.

But it is the ending of McCarthy’s tirade that was the most interesting:

Prime Minister Blair has been a staunch ally after 9/11, but many in his country, and throughout Europe, have not grasped what we are up against.

At the risk of repeating myself – most of us in this nation and in Europe have realized there is a war against Al Qaeda, which was not an ally of Saddam Hussein.