Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Election Lesson #2: Carville was Right

Numerous commenters (e.g. Matt Yglesias) have remarked on the lack of a significant increase in youth turnout. While turnout of the under-30 crowd increased somewhat, it was no different from the increase in turnout more generally. We won’t know for sure for a little while, but at this point is seems that the substantial efforts […]


Congratulations to the GOP for getting their vote out and winning what appears to be basically a clean election. Of course, now you have to govern with no excuses that we Democrats are obstructing whatever your agenda may be. The pundits last night were wondering about the future of the Democratic Party and why we […]

Election Lesson #1: Forget About Independents

Over the coming days and weeks we’ll be hearing about lots and lots and lots of lessons (many of which will probably be contradictory) that each side should take from the election. Here’s my first stab at one: forget the middle and go for your base. In other words, Rove was right. If you take […]

Moving On

Yes, it’s true, Republicans up and down the ticket won last night, across the country, by small but consistently significant margins. Nearly everywhere Republican turnout was about 1% better than either side expected, and Democratic turnout about 1% worse. That margin was enough to push numerous individual races as well as the presidency the Republicans’ […]

Karl Rove Is an Evil Genius

As I type, I’m drowning my sorrows in beer, so if this isn’t my most eloquent post, you’ll forgive me. And besides, you’ll have bigger things to worry about over the next four years than my typos and weak prose. In any case, my best read of today’s results is that Bush got a big […]

Kudlow Fails to Grasp the Keynes-Ramsey Rule

I voted earlier today after waiting through a fairly long line of what appeared to be enthusiastic Los Angeles neighbors. It was easy to pick which Presidential candidate to vote for as whether national security or economic issues received the higher weight for me, my view is that Kerry would be better than Bush on […]


Enough reading blogs. Enough wishing that things were different. Enough obsessively looking for the latest poll results. Enough thinking about what a campaign should or would do. Enough hoping that democracy works. It’s time. Vote. And help others to do the same. Kash

Bring Your Umbrella

For the most part, I agree with Kash’s election projections. New Mexico could also go Kerry’s way. If voters decide, once they get their hands on they stylus/pencil/screen, that they really can’t take four more years of the same thing, then add AZ, MO, CO and WV to the win column (not likely, but on […]