Reputation Update

In the previous post, I wrote that Brad DeLong might have been a bit hasty in saying, “No one, absolutely no one, is getting out of this administration with even the shreds of a reputation.” My counter example was, and so far remains, Mark McClellan (previously in charge of the FDA, now heading the lower profile but quite possibly more important CMS.)

Now, Brad reconsiders, slightly:

Some say (with justice) that Tim Muris is going to get out of the Bush administration with his reputation intact. Others say that Mark McClellan is going to get out of the Bush administration with his reputation intact. Perhaps they are right.

I agree that FTC head Tim Muris also still has his credibility. The total as it stands, then, is two. Am I missing anyone else? (Note that “credibility” and “advocating policies with which I agree” are two different things.)