You Gotta Like Clarke’s Style

Dana Milbank, describing Clarke under questioning by Republican commissioner John F. Lehman, in Thursday’s Washington Post:

The gallery drew quiet when Lehman questioned Clarke. “I have genuinely been a fan of yours,” he began, and then he said how he had hoped Clarke would be “the Rosetta Stone” for the commission. “But now we have the book,” Lehman said, suggesting it was a partisan tract.

Clarke was ready for that challenge. “Let me talk about partisanship here, since you raised it,” he said, noting that he registered as a Republican in 2000 and served President Ronald Reagan. “The White House has said that my book is an audition for a high-level position in the Kerry campaign,” Clarke said. “So let me say here, as I am under oath, that I will not accept any position in the Kerry administration, should there be one.”

When Clarke finished his answer, there was a long pause, and the gallery was silent. Lehman smiled slightly and nodded. He had no further questions.