Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

The American Street Check out the latest group blog, The American Street. The proprieters are unveiling the contributors all week, but so far they have Dave Neiwert from Orcinus (who just had his 1-year blog anniversary), Jeralyn Merritt from TalkLeft, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, and Kevin Hayden/Cowboy Kahill, with more to come. Should be worth […]

60 Minutes Sunday Should definitely be worth watching; Leslie Stahl will be interviewing former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill (who was basically fired) about his time in the White House. Here’s the lead from CBS’s teaser: President Bush was so disengaged in cabinet meetings that he “was like a blind man in a roomful of deaf […]

Conservatives Against Republicans The American Conservative Union is launching a campaign against Republican fiscal policy. I never thought I would see such a thing. Republican Congress on a Wild Spending Spree Federal government spending is out of control. Despite the Republican Party hegemony – control of the White House and both houses of Congress – […]

Kash’s Call #2: The Economic Recovery My second prediction: the recovery will continue apace for another few months… but will start to die out by summer 2004. Why? Put simply, I think that the bulk of the economic growth that we’re experiencing right now is due to the credit card binge that AB so aptly […]

The Unemployment Rate Puzzle This morning’s release of December’s unemployment data by the BLS contains the same puzzle that’s been dogging this economy for months. Why has the unemployment rate continued to fall over the past 6 months, even though jobs have not been created? The answer is that people are dropping out of the […]

A Surprising Unemployment Report The BLS reported this morning that the US economy created a net grand total of 1,000 jobs in December, according to the Department of Labor’s survey of businesses. That’s pretty bad. Surprisingly bad, in fact. According to the less reliable household survey, the US economy lost 54,000 jobs in December. The […]

Mission to Mars This NYT story must mean that Saddam hid the WMD on the Moon, the Red Planet, or perhaps both: Bush to Announce Ventures to Mars and the Moon, Officials Say. AB UPDATE: It looks like Calpundit came up with the same theory, but a bit earlier.

Another Koufax Nomination! Who knew that two constituted a “group”? Kash and I are now nominees in the “Best Group Blog” category in Wampum’s ongoing Koufax Awards. Once again, we are being resoundingly trounced, but it’s an honor just to be nominated (no, really, it is). AB

Giant, Happy-Fun, Credit Card Party Mark Kleiman points to and excerpts a piece, Sustained Budget Deficits: Longer-Run U.S. Economic Performance and the Risk of Financial and Fiscal Disarray, by Peter Orzag (Brookings), Robert Rubin (Citigroup), and Allen Sinai (Decision Economics). (Synopsis here; full paper here.) I could blather on about the importance of inflation expectations, […]

Compassionate Conservatism? What Army bureaucrat thinks that this is reasonable behavior for a civilized society? Amanda Bolduc on Wednesday was holding on tightly to her 3-month-old son, taking advantage of every last minute, memorizing his every feature — she won’t see him again for a very long time. The young mother, a 2nd Lieutenant in […]