Offered Without Comment

From the Washington Post (Mike Allen Reporting):

In the winter, Bush and his heartiest alpha aides burn the towering pyramids of cedar.

That may sound like a chore, but Bush would certainly rather be there than here. The early-rising president can get crabby and punchy if he doesn’t hit the pillow by 10 or so at night. On Monday, Bush was not scheduled even to arrive at a dinner hosted by Mexican President Vicente Fox until 9:10 p.m. local time (10:10 Eastern).

Bush, who returned to the White House on Tuesday night, sounded tired and bored at the few public appearances during his 28-hour visit. His remarks had unusually long pauses. Cutaway television shots captured Bush glowering into space as other heads of state talked about “economic growth with equity to reduce poverty,” “investing in people” and “democratic governance.”