I’ve gone from “Adorable Little Rodent” to “Maurading Marsupial” on N.Z. Bear’s blogsphere rating system (To see it, go there, hit CTRL-f and then type “angry bear”)! Sure, it’s a little bit biased due to my participation in ISTE because whenever I post there and refer back to Angry Bear, it counts as an inbound link to Angry Bear (but only for as long as the link is on the front page, I think). At the same time, there are a lot of genuine new linkers as well. Now if I could get readers to use the comments more often. In honor of the return of Ted “Reciprocity” Barlow, the new linkers that I spotted are:
- http://pla.blogspot.com
- http://coldspringshops.blogspot.com
- http://skepticalnotion.blogspot.com
- http://www.digitalmediatree.com/dratfink/
- http://www.refference.blogspot.com
- http://www.poor-attitude.org/mt/
- http://www.notfrisco2.com/webzine/Joel/
- http://www.stoutdem.com/
- http://www.blogstudio.com/dystopia/
- http://towncrier.blogspot.com/
- http://stabe.blogspot.com
I haven’t had time to check all these out, but thanks for the links.
UPDATE: And I made number 9 on Technorati’s current “Top 100 Interesting Newcomers” list. This list doesn’t count links, as NZ Bear’s does, but rather uses a model that compares new links to existing links so that a blog with a low number of cumulative links but a high number of new links gets a big score (This doesn’t imply that NZ Bear’s algorithm is wrong, just that he’s measuring something different). As David from Technorati explains,
What the ranking algorithms described above does is make it progressively harder to move up in ranking as the number of current inbound blogs increases. This effectively negates the power law that Clay describes, and gives us a way of measuring apples to apples.
Basically, the idea is that for a relatively obscure blogger who has, say, 40 people currently linking to his blog, getting 4 or 5 new blogs linking to him can have the same effect as a a-list blogger getting 40 or 50 new links.
Intuitively, we know that this is right – After all, it’s very easy for Doc Searls to get 20 new links to him – he has such a large readership. But for a smaller blogger to get a bunch of new links, he must have posted something really interesting that day.